

Google XML Sitemaps
No pages show in sitemap? (3 posts)

  1. sephius
    Posted 1 year ago #

    Hi, ive installed the plugin, have several static pages but nothing shows up in sitemap.xml, does it show after i install or do i have to wait til they show up in sitemap.xml?


  2. Arne Brachhold
    Plugin Author

    Posted 1 year ago #

    The sitemap contains links to sub-sitemaps, where should be a sub-sitemap containing your pages, it is named like sitemap-pt-page-YYYY-MM.xml where YYYY is the year and MM the month.

  3. marketwire
    Posted 1 year ago #

    Hi Arnee,

    On my site the post archives are created and can be opened, but there are no actual posts listed inside. The same goes for the page archives.

    The plugin is successfully listing the post tags archive URLs in sitemap-tax-post_tag.xml however so it's obviously scooping some information.

    I have not posted any new blogs since the plugin was activated, just in case this is a possible cause.

    I am a bit stuck, and any advice would be very welcome.


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