

Google XML Sitemaps
[resolved] post-tags (4 posts)

  1. anok
    Posted 9 months ago #

    Hi, i have a 140 webpages, all indexed in google.
    My post-tags (72 of them) are in the sitemap.xml (or actually sitemap-tax-post_tag.xml).
    When looking at my google-webmaster, google doesn't index none of them.
    How come?
    Any alternative solution to get them indexed in google?
    Thank you grtz


  2. Arne Brachhold
    Plugin Author

    Posted 9 months ago #

    It might take some time, also sometimes Google does not index the post tags since they don't contain to much unique content. The most important thing is that your posts are indexed.

  3. anok
    Posted 9 months ago #

    My posttags were always indexed...but for some reason, they disappeared, doesn't want to index them again.

  4. Arne Brachhold
    Plugin Author

    Posted 9 months ago #


    The plugin can only tell Google about the URLs, it has no power to force Google to actually index them. As long there are no errors in the sitemap, there is nothing more the plugin can do.

    BTW, to REALLY find out what has been indexed, try using the site: operator in Google search.


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