

WordImpress <3's WordCamp Los Angeles! We'll be there speaking and enjoying the WordPress community. Heck, we like it so much we even sponsored! That's why you're reading this. :)

So… Who are we? A team of WordPress people who build plugins for folks like you. For example take our Give donation plugin. Developers and nonprofits have found it to be the best way to accept donations on their WordPress website. We also recently revamped Maps Builder Pro, the most intuitive way to create powerful Google Maps on WordPress.

At WCLAX 2015 be sure to keep a look out for Devin Walker, Matt Cromwell and Jason Knill. WordImpress is founded and led by Devin. His coding style and brand vision are evident in all that we do. Matt is our Brand Ambassador and Head of Support. We excel at support and user experience because of his skills and dedication. To round of our WCLAX 2015 crew we'll have our marketing and finance director, Jason. He'll chat you up on how to prepare your business to scale as WordPress continues its rapid growth to 50% of the internet and beyond.

That’s us. You’re you. Let’s chat!

Here's to building the web!