
Archive for December, 2004

30 Dec, 2004

Spam Bot Protection Measure

Posted by: Jennifer In: WordPress Bookmarks

Here's a few steps you can do to protect against some of the spambots: Master-SpamBot IP, deny this! [found via weblogtoolscollection]

30 Dec, 2004

WordPress + Forum = bbPress

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

There's new bulletin board software in town… bbPress From Matt, the maker of WordPress – comes bbPress.

30 Dec, 2004

Script to rename wp-admin folder

Posted by: Jennifer In: WordPress Bookmarks

JD just sent me this link to his site: Script to rename your wp-admin folder. As he says – it's not a foolproof method to protect your site, but certainly not a bad idea.

28 Dec, 2004

A few good links

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks|WordPress Bookmarks

UploadBin Kind of like pastebin – but for files, and Mark offers it up so you can download and host it on your own server. wp-hashcash A version of Spam Stopgam Extreme. [seen on a lot of sites, but most recently on PhotoMatt and Weblogtoolscollection] WordPress "Suggest" plugin Kind of like "Google's Suggest" feature – […]

24 Dec, 2004

WP-Gallery Plugin 0.1

Posted by: Christine In: WordPress Bookmarks to Plugins

The WP-Gallery Plugin 0.1 offers a nice, easy way to include your Gallery albums and photos within a WP powered blog.

22 Dec, 2004

WordPress 1.2.2 is Available!

Posted by: Christine In: WordPress

Earlier this week, the 1.2.2 version of WordPress was released. This release fixes a few bugs and security issues and is recommended for all 1.2 users. More about the upgrade in the WP Development blog. Wondering what files changed? Here's a list.

09 Dec, 2004

Tools for Web Development on the Mac?

Posted by: Jennifer In: Call for help

The last time I did any extensive web dev on the mac was about… oh, maybe SIX! years ago. Eek, I feel old. In any case, I've been doing everything on the PC since then, and while I have a number of really great tools on the PC that I like, I'm clueless when it […]

07 Dec, 2004

WP security bug

Posted by: Jennifer In: WordPress: Lessons Learned

There's a pretty serious security bug with WP 1.2.1 (and the current 1.3 alpha), one that can make it so your blog is basically unusable (not permanently, as far as I can tell) but still – if you're using WordPress you should probably make this change. In any case, here is how you fix the […]

07 Dec, 2004

Tab Preferences

Posted by: Jennifer In: FireFox Extension Bookmarks

Need to bookmark this so I can find it again… QuickTabPrefToggle Adds some great preferences/options relating to tabs, etc. (for example, can force links that would ordinarily open in a new window in a tab in the background. The author of that extension also has a few others too that look interesting. Here's the extensions […]

01 Dec, 2004

User Comments Plugin

Posted by: Jennifer In: WordPress Bookmarks to Plugins

Just saw this on the hackers mailing list: User Comments Plugin This plugin will moderate comments from users who are not registered and logged in users of the site.

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  • Scott: Just moved changed the site URL as WP's installed in a subfolder. Cookie clearance worked for me. Thanks!
  • Stephen Lareau: Hi great blog thanks. Just thought I would add that it helps to put target = like this:1-800-555-1212 and
  • Cord Blomquist: Jennifer, you may want to check out, a new service my company just launched that converts TypePad and Movable Type export files into WordPre

