First-Timer Workshop

Want to get started blogging but have no idea where to begin? We have a great workshop for you that’s a part of WordCamp San Francisco. It will give you an introduction to using WordPress and will make the sessions over the weekend really valuable. The workshop will be held at the Automattic Lounge at Pier 38 and will run from 9am to 5pm.

Just a note before we get started: This workshop is meant for those with no prior experience blogging with any platform. If you’re currently blogging or are looking for a refresher on best practices the workshop is not for you. This class is for the people who are totally new to blogging.

We will walk each workshop attendee through the setup of a site on You’ll learn how to use themes and widgets, publish various types of content, and take advantage of some of the other really cool features available on

To participate in the workshop you will need to bring a few things with you. Don’t worry, it’s easy homework. The morning of the workshop you’ll need to have:

  • a laptop with wireless card
  • a title and tagline in mind for your site
  • a folder of images, some of which should be large
  • text written for at least two posts
  • a blurb about yourself and an image for an About Me page

Since we’ll be teaching you how to use you’ll be able to change your posts and about page later. The posts and images you bring don’t have to be in finished, final draft form, but they should be something you’re comfortable working with for the day.

The workshop will be run by Happiness Engineers and others from You’ll be hearing all the information straight for the source and get an introduction to the people who provide’s famous (and free!) 24/7 support. We’ll show you how you can get in touch with them after the workshop so that as you run into more questions you’ll know right where to go.

We’re really looking forward to having you join us for this workshop!

If you’re interested in an overview of how we’ll cover things the workshop schedule will look like this:

  • 9:00am – Sign in and get coffee
  • 9:10am – Welcome
  • 9:40am – Setting up your new site
  • 10:15am – Break
  • 10:25am – An introduction to the Dashboard
  • 10:45am – Break
  • 10:50am – The basics of creating content
  • 12:00pm – Lunch
  • 1:10pm – Themes and custom design tools
  • 2:00pm – Break
  • 2:10pm – Customizing your site with widgets and menus
  • 2:50pm – An introduction to Gravatar profiles and social features
  • 3:00pm – Break
  • 3:10pm – How to post from anywhere
  • 3:45pm – Introducing custom domains
  • 4:15pm – How to get support and some basic ground rules
  • 4:35pm – Where you can go from here and what’s next

29 Responses to First-Timer Workshop

  1. laura says:

    Requesting a ticket for Friday new users. Wait list me, please.

  2. I’m new. I have the talent, but not the tools. ; )
    I’d love to attend the new users workshop.

  3. Hello,

    I’m signed up for the newbie sessions on Friday and was reading the information above and was confused about the requirement for “a laptop with wireless card”. My laptop has built in wireless…will the conference be providing the internet connection? A friend who is also signed up suggested that we might need our own internet connection. ???


    • Jane Wells says:

      Hi Kathy. There will be wifi at Pier 38; we just need to make sure people’s laptops have wireless capabilities.

    • Mary Helen Fein says:

      ME TOO! Does the requirement for a wireless card mean teh automattic lounge has no free wireless internet for us to use during hte workshop? I’m sure this will be a complete fiasco if this is so. Someone who knows, please post an answer for us. Thanks, Mary Helen Fein

  4. Brahm says:

    How do I sign up for the first-timer workshop? I don’t see anything on the tickets page for this workshop.

  5. Nadia says:

    Hello, there. HAve a question. I can see on your web, that newbee workshop tickets are sold out for next Friday. At the same time it was sold to me. Does it mean, that I am waitlisted, ot it means that I have my ticket? Another question – may be I am looking in the wrong direction – I can not find time frame for that workshop. When it starts and when it’ll be over. Please, advice

  6. Pamela Hamilton says:

    Is the First-Timer Workshop sold out? Would only let me purchase tickets for Mission Bay.

  7. Penny Pennington says:

    I’d like to be waitlisted for Friday’s workshop. I did buy a ticket for Sunday.

  8. Marion Ray says:

    I have signed up for the Friday workshop on Pier 38. I didn’t find a start time or end time? Can someone help please.

    • andrewspittle says:

      Hi Marion. We’re sending out more information soon, but the workshop will run from 9am to about 5pm. I’ve updated the post above to clear that up a bit. Thanks!

  9. Ruthann says:

    I registered for WordCamp June 13 and have receipt that just says “WordCamp SF 2011 Registration.” I thought I had purchased a ticket for the Friday wordcamp at Pier 38 but I don’t see any other confirmation in my email about that. How do I check to see what my $40 registration includes?

  10. stephanie says:

    When I bought my first-time blogger package in June, it included the Sunday Mission Bay sessions too. Now the website seems to say you need a separate ticket for Sunday? Or will my package ticket get me in? Thanks!

  11. Mike says:

    I’d like to be waitlisted for the newbie workshop, please.

  12. Hi Jane,

    I just wanted to double check that I don’t have a ticket to the newbie workshop.
    I’m sorry I didn’t see that option when I purchased my pass.Was it obvious?


  13. Liz Gebhardt says:

    I’d like to get on the waitlist to purchase a ticket for the Friday Pier 38 hands-on workshop or if one is added on Saturday. I am seriously interested in moving to WordPress from TypePad w some custom CSS/design from an engineer (4 + years on that platform) – but really want some practical hands on info and ability to ask questions — and recommendations for some engineering/design consulting I can hire for quick customization (need less help than a major agency engagement). Thanks! Or if you have any other suggestions for how I can get this information and ocnnect with the freelance developer/designer community.

  14. Jeff Chen says:

    1. What is the best way to the Lounge? I live in the city and wonder if I should drive or take public trains … Some people said that it is hard to find the location at the first time …

    2. Will it be okay if I use personal website with WordPress, instead of I use Dreamhost that provides one-click installation of WordPress setup.


  15. Brahm says:

    I’m annoyed. I visited this site 10, 7 and then 5 days ago to sign up for the first timer workshop and on each visit saw no way of purchasing a ticket for it. I posted a question about how to enroll and got no answer. Now suddenly it’s sold out. I’m not a happy camper (and not a WordCamper either apparently).

    • Jane Wells says:

      Actually, the reason you didn’t see a ticket for sale for it is because it was already sold out. Sorry! This workshop is more of a WordSchool than WordCamp. WordCamp is regular presentations being held at Mission Bay.

  16. I would like to be on the waitlist for Friday newbie workshop, or would attend one if you have it on Saturday. Thank you.

  17. Mike McCarthy says:

    Please add me to the wait list.
    I live in SF and can be there at 9:10 if there is space available Friday morning.

    Wednesday night there is meeting about creating community wifi in SF.

  18. Grace says:

    Can I also set up a self-hosted site on Friday? I’m already a WP user on another blog, but would like to set up a second site and don’t know how to install the theme onto my URL. Will I be able to do that at this seminar?

  19. Mike says:

    I’d love to be on the waitlist for Saturday, please. Fingers crossed!

  20. Jim Heerwagen says:

    Will you please consider providing post-event access to a video stream? I think that it would be valuable and would pay for it. Thanks.

  21. Mary Helen Fein says:

    Thanks for clarifying about the free wifi!

  22. Barry Ross says:

    Hi, Can anyone suggestion a parking garage or lot for the Pier 38 Training?