On how many sites can I use Toolset?

You can use Toolset plugins on all your sites and all sites that you build for your clients. You will need to register all these sites to receive automatic updates, but we don’t limit you to the number of sites.

If I’m not happy with Toolset, will I get my money back?

We offer full refunds for Toolset for up to 30 days. If you are not completely happy, tell us and we will refund your order and return 100% of the payment.

Can I upgrade from the yearly account to a Lifetime account?

Yes, you can buy the yearly account now and upgrade to a Lifetime account later. When you do that, we only ask for the difference in cost.

If I buy a yearly account, what happens after a year?

You can renew your yearly Toolset account for additional years or upgrade to a Lifetime account. Renewals are available before your account expires and cost 50% of the original purchase price. When you renew, you receive downloads and support for another year. Upgrades to Lifetime cost the difference between a Lifetime account and a yearly account. If you upgrade to Lifetime, you get downloads and support for life.

Do I get a tax invoice?

Certainly. Immediately after your order, you will be able to customize your payment information, include your company details and get a printable tax invoice.

What is your support policy?

We want you to be successful with Toolset and we will do our best to help you achieve your goals. Our supporters know Toolset plugins inside and out and are also experts in how to do things with our plugins. They can help with ‘how to’ questions, advice on best practices and troubleshooting. If you need custom development, you can find great freelancers among our Toolset Consultants.

Are Toolset plugins compatible with my theme?

Toolset plugins are designed to run with any WordPress theme. The only Toolset component that has any theme requirements is Layouts. Layouts runs only on Bootstrap-based themes. All other Toolset components run smoothly on any WordPress theme.

What versions of WordPress are Toolset plugins compatible with?

Toolset plugins are always compatible with all WordPress versions between the current one and several versions back. We test and QA all Toolset plugins as soon as the first new beta versions of WordPress are available. We release updates before new WordPress versions are released (during the WordPress release candidate cycle).

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