Sense launches today

We are pleased to announce that Sense goes on sale and starts shipping today.

The past year has been incredible. We set out to build a product that helps people understand and improve their sleep, and that’s exactly what we’ve done. Sense is the first product we have built at Hello and I’m delighted to finally share it with you.

I want to say a huge thank you to our early Kickstarter backers and to those who have pre-ordered Sense for bringing us to this point. You will be the first in the world to receive Sense as shipping begins this week. We have all appreciated your enthusiasm and anticipation for Sense’s arrival.

I’m so proud of the whole team here at Hello and of their hard work and dedication which got us to this point.

We can’t wait for you to try Sense.

Thank you,

James, Founder & CEO

This was posted 6 months ago. It has 7 notes.

Who are our backers?

At Hello, we know that improving sleep is a global movement. The more we know about our sleep, the more we can improve upon, for mornings that are less groggy, and days that are more productive.

We depend on good sleep for clear thinking, better relationships, and improved energy levels. As backers, you told us what you needed, and we’re excited to be bringing you better nights and mornings around the world.

From Chile to Lichtenstein, we’ll be shipping Sense to nearly 20,000 Kickstarter supporters in 94 countries.

53% of you are in the United States, and 30% of you are in the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, and France. In Aruba and Bahrain, you preferred Sense in charcoal, while in Argentina and Lithuania, you almost all ordered Sense in cotton.

Whether you’re in Buenos Aires, Caracas, or New York City, we can’t wait to help you rest easier.

While some of you will be waving your hand over Sense’s Smart Alarm in the US, those of you in Australia will be checking Sense just before you sleep. Whether you’re climbing out of bed or hitting the pillow, we’re working to make your sleep and your mornings more productive.

This was posted 11 months ago. It has 0 notes.

You asked, and we’ve listened.

Over the last 48 hours, we’ve heard overwhelming feedback from you, our backers: you’d prefer a replaceable battery with the Sleep Pill. This is exactly the type of feedback, as engineers building the product, we want to hear. Thank you.

We’ve looked at the mechanical design of the Sleep Pill battery compartment and investigated our options to implement a replaceable battery. We are confident we can create an updated design that allows access to an off the shelf coin-cell battery, without changing the size or shape of the Sleep Pill.

Currently, we are verifying that we can still maintain the waterproof aspect of the Sleep Pill. We will have an update on this in the coming week as we continue to design, but initial tests are so far positive.

- Bryan, Mechanical Engineer

Originally posted:

This was posted 1 year ago. It has 0 notes.

What a day.

I’m pretty sure that most #1 Kickstarter updates start similarly, but I mean it when I say that at Hello we truly have been knocked off of our feet by the response we received today.

Sleep is absolutely crucial to every single one of us. Out of all the different things we do each day, it’s one of the few that we literally do every single day and it provides the foundation for absolutely everything else we do during that following day.

At Hello, we wanted to build Sense because we saw that the way people were currently looking at technology and sleep for consumers just didn’t feel right. We also knew that people care greatly about their sleep, but for most, they simply had not yet found something that was right for them.

When we started working on Sense, we didn’t want to design and build something that was just like any other piece of technology; we are so incredibly excited that the Kickstarter community agrees with us.

As we said when we started this campaign, we decided to be on Kickstarter because we wanted to build this product with your input and help. Over the past day we’ve heard you loud and clear on a few key issues. Our team is already taking a closer look at these and we will make sure we update all our backers, and potential backers, on these soon.

Over the coming weeks, other members of the team here Hello plan to take to Kickstarter to post campaign updates where they will dive deeper into parts of the Sense product and the work that’s gone on behind scenes. Whether it’s the Smart Alarm, Sleep Pill, or the amazing Industrial Design of Sense, we hope you’ll enjoy going deeper with us and learning more.

We appreciate your continued feedback and encourage you to keep it coming, as well as sharing the news of Sense with everyone you know!

From myself and the whole team at Hello, thank you.


Originally posted:

This was posted 1 year ago. It has 1 note.

Hello, world.

Meet Sense.

We’re so excited to finally be able to show you what we’ve been working on here at Hello for a little while now.

We cannot wait to get it to you.

- James

This was posted 1 year ago. It has 1 note.