
Archive for the ‘WordPress Plugins’ Category

27 Oct, 2011

SEO Advice (from a non-expert!)

Posted by: Jennifer In: SEO|WordPress|WordPress Plugins

I know it's in the title, but I'll say it again. I'm NOT an SEO expert. I don't even pretend to be one on TV or anywhere else. But I've been working on websites specifically for about 13 or 14 years, so I guess I've probably learned a few things along the way. Maybe this […]

If you run any contests on your blog, and you use your comments to collect entries into the contest – you might run into some difficulty if you get a great number of comments. I was asked by Jyl ( to develop a plugin that would allow her to download all comments from a post […]

A project I was working on recently required the use of a membership plugin. I had done some research on membership plugins awhile back and remembered only finding ones that were pretty pricey. One last ditch effort searching through the plugin repository on – I found one that I hadn't remembered seeing before: S2Member. […]

On a site I was working on recently, the client was using the Featured Content Galleries plugin for their homepage (you can download it from here) – but they wanted to add a gallery like this to other pages on their website and have other featured content on those pages. This is not a feature […]

I just saw this plugin show up on the WordPress Plugins list. WOW! I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but can think of a dozen places where I can use this feature!!! Very excited to see it! Secondary HTML Content – WordPress Plugin

07 Oct, 2009

Delink Pages Plugin

Posted by: Jennifer In: WordPress|WordPress Plugins

(Plugin and this post last updated: 10/20/2009 – Latest Plugin Version: 1.1.1 – see changelog at bottom of post) I have been wanting to do more wordpress plugin development, but it has a somewhat steep learning curve. So I'm testing the waters a bit here. I've done some testing with the plugin, but feedback is […]

One of my clients had set it up so that one particular page in their WordPress install would load as https:// and even though they changed all links they could find in their template to use root-relative links, they were still getting complaints from IE about the page loading some secure and non-secure items. A […]

In honor of "Thank a WordPress Plugin Developer" (yes, I know I'm a little late. hush!) I wanted to recognize some plugins and their developers that have made my job so much easier. (FYI – Most of these plugins are particularly helpful when using WordPress as a CMS). I know these kinds of lists have […]

So I've discovered a new feature in WordPress 2.7 – get_search_form(). What this will do is first (for backward compatibility sake) look for a file named searchform.php in the theme directory – and if it doesn't find it then it generates the HTML for you. (=cringe=) Yeah. You just know I've gotta be overriding that. […]

I've had a few clients ask for this, and I saw some requests to do this on the forums, but no one ever that I found came up with a solution. Here's the scenario, you have your blog posts, and maybe they're long, and rather than make the page *even longer* by dumping the comments […]

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  • Scott: Just moved changed the site URL as WP's installed in a subfolder. Cookie clearance worked for me. Thanks!
  • Stephen Lareau: Hi great blog thanks. Just thought I would add that it helps to put target = like this:1-800-555-1212 and
  • Cord Blomquist: Jennifer, you may want to check out, a new service my company just launched that converts TypePad and Movable Type export files into WordPre

