Beginner Workshop Signup

The Beginner Workshop is now full. Thanks!

Comments closed since too many people tried to register via comments.

30 Responses to Beginner Workshop Signup

  1. I think I already signed up for this. If so let me know. I got my ticket after filling this form out. Hope it all works fine.

  2. Someone is doing the technical side of my website and I want to learn about its capabilities myself to find out if I am using it to my best advantage.

  3. what does “your comment is awaiting moderation” mean? Is it too wordy? Are there character limits?

    • rfair404 says:

      Beverly, means that as admins of this site we don’t let people leave comments without our approval.

  4. dann diez says:

    pls advice if i can attend on this one. ill be in atlanta on that week.


  5. I have much to learn. . . looking forward to this!

  6. I might have already registered.

    ~ Lee

  7. Jeff Wolfe says:

    I may be interested in attending the workshop. Can you please tell me what time it would start on Friday and Saturday?

  8. I believe i am already signed up for the beginner, class but just want to make sure.

  9. Jack Shelton says:

    Just starting and need a good foundation on how WordPress works

  10. Jack Shelton says:

    Looking forward to the class

  11. Lisa Shelton says:

    See You There

  12. i am signing up for the beginners workshop on Friday

  13. Twanna Harris says:

    Please add me to the list for Friday’s beginners workshop…so excited!!!

  14. I have memberships at and so I can choose a wide variety of themes. I have unlimited Linux hosting with Go-Daddy. I also have a zazzle store at , which has great WordPress plug-ins and coding ….

    I need help BIG time!



  15. Looking forward to it.

  16. Carol Sue Young says:

    Both Amy Martin and Carol Sue Young would like to sign up for the beginners workshop on Friday and will bring out laptops!

  17. Julie Mansfield says:

    I am looking forward to this!

  18. Lauren Adams says:

    I will be at the beginner’s workshop friday.

  19. Shawn Stroud says:

    I want to sign up for the beginners WordPress workshop. Thanks.

  20. Patti Ghezzi says:

    I also would like to attend the beginner workshop on Friday. Thanks!

  21. Matt Morlen says:

    Count me in!
    Oh, it starts at 10:00 right?

  22. I think I signed up– when do we get our new site?

  23. cathey oldroyd says:

    sign me up for Friday!

  24. Jack Honderd says:

    Please sign me up for the beginner’s workshop. Thx.

  25. Please sign me up for the Beginners workshop on Friday morning.