Mission = Growth with profit
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  • We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein

  • Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

NEW POST! The ROIgrow mission

If You have an inner passion to do something, it is hopeless not to. I have been kind of lost since I sold my previous consulting/analytics company ROI Marketing Oy to the Salomaa Group a couple of years ago. And it is sad to see that they were mainly buying the company out of the market, not changing their emphasis from invoicing their clients to helping their clients ROIgrow (meaning growing with profit).

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BREAKING NEWS! At least 88-98 % of Digital Ad Investments wasted

Depending on the platform, the research suggested that between 88% and 98% of digital ad engagement is fraudulent. The team’s ads were billed for these fraudulent clicks and impressions.

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Predictive analytics in sales forecasting

Predictive analytics and machine learning are useful tools in making different scenariso of the future performance. Statistical models have been able to predict the performance with a very small error rates, between 1-2%.

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Growth events in Helsinki and Tampere

ROIgrow Finland will organize a series of ROIgrow seminars in Helsinki and Tampere during 2015. Subscribe our newsletter to hear the details first.

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