
Miika Arponen

Miika Arponen is a web developer from Tampere with about a decade of experience in web developing. He has been developing WordPress sites for Geniem (http://www.geniem.fi) for two years. Miika’s flash talk at the event gives a glimpse on Geniem’s upcoming DustPress plugin that brings the advantages of Dust.js templating, MVVM pattern and a pinch of isomorphic design into WordPress development.

Niko Pettersen

niko-pettersen-croppedNiko Pettersen is a web developer from Helsinki, Finland with almost a decade of experience in building online services. He’s also one of the key organisers of Frontend Finland and is an active member of the web team behind the upcoming IxDA Interaction 16 event. Niko has participated in dozens of projects at Frantic involving multilingual WordPress sites. He is eager to share his experiences both from a developer’s perspective and how clients can manage their multilingual content using plugins such as WPML and Polylang.

Jussi Tuoma

Jussi is a self-taught web and WordPress enthusiast who’s been developing and learning web since 2007. He is currently a WordPress developer and a partner in a digital agency called Höyry. At WordCamp Finland Jussi will give a lightning talk about creating a HTML Presentation using the Reveal.js framework and Advanced Custom Fields.

Perttu Tolvanen

Perttu Tolvanen is a CMS expert that helps clients choose partners and technologies for their Web and eCommerce projects. His daily work involves writing RFPs, analyzing proposals, meeting vendors and facilitating workshops. Most typical cases for him are large web projects where client organisations are renewing their web presence from websites to eCommerce. In his flash talk Perttu will be analyzing the differences between WordPress and other CMS’s like EPiServer and Drupal from a client perspective.

Otto Kekäläinen

Otto Kekäläinen is the CEO of Seravo (seravo.fi), a Finnish company that provides support services for companies that use Linux and other open source software, e.g. WordPress. Otto has 15+ years of experience in using, developing and advocating open source software. He also serves as the CEO of the MariaDB Foundation, as the president of the Finnish Unix User Group Foundation and is also active in many other free and open source software promoting organisations. Otto used WordPress for the first time in 2004, but really got into it in the past
2 years.

In his flash talk at WordCamp Finland Otto will explain about how the open source community works and what benefits there are from a single developer and from a company perspective in publishing plugins at wordpress.org.

Aki Björklund

Aki Björklund is a mostly self-taught web generalist. He has been developing websites since 2000. After 10 years of developing custom CMSs with Microsoft technologies for media companies, among other things, he had enough and switched to 100% WordPress. Aki is a founder and the CEO of H1, a Finnish WordPress agency. At WordCamp Finland he’ll be giving a flash talk on simple things you can do to improve the speed and Google PageSpeed score of a typical WordPress site.

Natanael Sinisalo

Natanael has been working with WordPress for over six years. He’s currently working as a CTO/partner at a fast-growing digital agency called MEOM Oy where he makes WordPress even more comfy for clients and employees. In WordCamp Finland Natanael is going to give a flash talk about modular content management with Advanced Custom Fields.

Tiia Rantanen

Tiia Rantanen is a web developer from Trimedia with years of experience with WordPress. She has developed projects from e-commerce to customized solutions. Tiia is also experienced with other content management systems but WordPress is definitely a personal favorite. At WordCamp Finland Tiia will be talking about security, especially on what can be done to avoid the usual issues both server-side and client side, what makes your server installation safe and how it affects WordPress.

Tony Kovanen

Tony Kovanen works with Automattic as a JavaScript wrangler hacking on Jetpack among other things. He is a core team member of Socket.IO and contributes to a number of other Open Source projects. He loves to explore new technologies to improve user experience, code quality and performance. Tony’s talk will be on the current and future possibilities offered by the REST API in Jetpack and future WordPress versions for theme and plugin developers.

Timo-Jaakko Rautavuori

rautavuoriTimo-Jaakko Rautavuori (@timojr on Twitter) has been working in online journalism since 2006 at Aamulehti (second-largest newspaper in Finland in terms of circulation) and its parent company, Alma Media. His background is in journalism but the past few years his title has been Development Manager. In his current job he has managed multiple news site renewal projects. Some of these projects involved a closed CMS, but increasingly often the platform of choice has been WordPress. At WordCamp Finland Rautavuori will share his experiences of implementing WordPress from a media company perspective, and how well WP has suited their needs. This talk will be in Finnish.

Mikko Virenius

Mikko Virenius is one of the most experienced WordPress experts in Finland. He’s been working with WP full-time since 2008, and currently is a WordPress developer and partner at Jyväskylä-based Media Cabinet Oy. Mikko will be speaking on doing business with WordPress. His talk will be in Finnish.

Mikko Virenius on yksi Suomen kokeneimmista WordPress-asiantuntijoista. WordPressin parissa Mikko on toiminut päätoimisesti vuodesta 2008 lähtien. Nykyään Mikko työskentelee WordPress-kehittäjänä ja osakkaana Jyväskyläläisessä Media Cabinet Oy:ssä. WordCamp Finlandissa Mikko luo yleiskatsauksen siitä, miten markkina ja WP:n hyödyntäminen bisnesmielessä on kehittynyt Suomessa hänen oman uransa aikana ja mitkä asiat painottuvat jatkossa.

Yana Petrova

Coming from Sofia, Bulgaria, Yana is a freelance marketing consultant, event organiser, foodie and traveler. She’s been blogging about food since 2010 and in the past couple of years she’s been organising local technical conferences in Bulgaria, including OpenFest – the biggest Bulgarian event dedicated to free software, free culture and knowledge sharing. She’s also a chaos maintainer in the civic hacking organisation Obshtestvo.bg (Society:Bulgaria) that builds independent online tools to help society be closer to the government and the decision making process.

At WordCamp Finland Yana will be talking about content marketing for geeks.