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Terms of trade is the trading name of The Graphics Company Ltd.

  1. Estimates and payment
    1. Our design and website estimates are valid for 90 days. Estimates for production of physical goods (printing etc.) are valid for for 30 days. These terms exclude unforeseen price increases by third party suppliers.
    2. Invoices for printed products will be dated from delivery of artwork, or, if we have undertaken printing or print management (see below) for the job, from delivery of the printed goods. Depending on the size of the project, invoices for websites may be staged over the course of the project. Website maintenance and updating will be invoiced quarterly or as agreed with the customer.
    3. Invoices issued in advance of completion of work at the client's request may incur additional administration costs.
    4. Invoices must be paid within 30 days of date of invoice. We reserve the right to charge interest at 5% per month on overdue accounts.
    5. Work required in addition to that agreed for the purposes of the estimate will be charged at the hourly rate plus materials and/or expenses.
  2. Purchase orders
    1. The customer should make a definite order for to start work on a job, preferably a purchase order form or a letter, fax or e-mail accepting our estimate and asking for work to start. However, an order can also be de facto, e.g. the provision of materials (text, photos etc.) for that job by the customer and/or correspondence (including proofing) between the customer and relating to the job.
  3. Work in progress and cancelled orders
    1. If we begin work on a job and subsequently the customer cancels the order, we reserve the right to invoice for the work carried out and any expenses incurred. If the customer does not progress a job for more than 90 days (e.g. does not respond to a visual design proposal or proof), we reserve the right to invoice for the work carried out and any expenses incurred.
  4. Alterations
    1. A maximum of three cycles of proofing and design alterations are included in our estimates. Further cycles of proofing and design alterations may incur extra charges.
    2. Minor changes to content are included in our estimates. Lengthy or significant alterations to content will be charged at the hourly rate plus materials and/or expenses.
    3. Changes to other material (e.g. photos) and requirements (e.g. website functionality) which significantly affect work already carried out will be charged at the hourly rate plus materials and/or expenses.
  5. Proof-reading
    1. It is the customer's responsibility to check proofs and website versions for errors in copy and content. Even if text is supplied electronically (i.e. on disk or via e-mail) it is still the customer's responsibility to check all text on the proof or website version for errors that may have occurred subsequently. If any text on the proof is not clear (e.g. through poor fax reproduction) it is the customer's responsibility to obtain a clear copy from us.
  6. Third party sub-contractors
    1. cannot guarantee delivery dates from sub-contractors (printers, reprographic houses, web developers, exhibition production houses etc.). All goods and services from such third parties are subject to their own terms and conditions, a copy of which can be supplied on request.
  7. Checking the printed product
    1. It is the customer's responsibility to check that the quality and quantity of printed materials delivered is acceptable and as agreed. must be informed of any discrepancy by 5pm of the next working day following delivery.
  8. Website and email hosting
    1. endeavours to ensure that the websites and email services we host stay online. We will respond promptly to any reported problem and make all reasonable efforts to restore service. However, we cannot guarantee 100% availability of web and email services, or be responsible for any consequential loss or damage.
  9. Copyright
    1. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that copyright is not infringed through the use of any materials they supply to us.
    2. Images purchased or commissioned by for the customer are subject to the terms and conditions of the supplier, a copy of which can be supplied on request.
    3. retains copyright on design work we produce as part of a tender, unless otherwise agreed.
    4. Copyright on completed design work produced by transfers to the client once payment of our invoice has been made in full, subject to the conditions above. However, we reserve the right to use material it has designed or produced in our own publicity (e.g. our portfolio), whether in hard copy or electronic form.
    5. Copyright on any website code, programming or software from third parties remains with the original owner/author unless otherwise agreed. Copyright on code produced by remains with us, but the client is granted a permanent license to use and modify the code for their own use, once payment has been made in full and provided that our copyright notice is preserved within the code.
  10. Archiving work and supplying files
    1. Whilst endeavours to archive all work electronically, we cannot guarantee that all data files are retrievable for future use. We cannot accept responsibility for lost or corrupted files.
    2. Copies of data files can be supplied to the client on request, copyright permitting. Some items (e.g. fonts) can not be supplied due to copyright restrictions.
    3. When older files are re-used or supplied to a client, the time taken to retrieve them and convert them to current data formats may be charged.
    4. does not attempt to restrict its clients to an exclusive relationship. When a client wishes to work with another supplier of design, print or web services, we will make all reasonable efforts to help by supplying files and information, but we may charge for the time taken at the hourly rate.

This is the current version of our Terms of Trade as of 15 November 2011. None of the above affects your statutory rights.