WordCamp Finland: How to Get There

The first WordCamp Finland will be held in the Hullu Poro restaurant, located in the Koskikeskus shopping centre in the centre of Tampere, so arrival via bus or train gets within a short walking distance of the venue.

Arrival by plane

Helsinki-Vantaa International Airport

Easiest way of getting to Tampere from Helsinki-Vantaa is by train. You can get to Tikkurila train station via local bus that goes from Helsinki-Vantaa airport in every ten minutes. In daytime, there are trains at least every hour to Tampere (see about trains later in this post).

There is also a direct bus connection from Helsinki-Vantaa to Tampere every hour, which is also a good option, especially late in the evening or by night, when there are no trains.

Bus to Tikkurila station

Tampere-Pirkkala Airport

Tampere-Pirkkala airport is near Tampere, so the best way of arriving is to either come with a local bus that leaves from the airport once / twice an hour depending on the time of day, or by arranging an AirPort Taxi beforehand.
