New Collaborator Seats


Today we’re excited to announce the first of a new set of features we’ve been working on for Sprintly – Collaborator seats. We are one of the few Agile tools that makes it easy for smaller companies to let everyone see who is working on what with both Member and Observer seats. We’ve spent a lot […]

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A New Release is Live!

A new release went live today and here’s what we delivered: Updated tooling & dependencies – When we reacquired Sprintly it was running on older CI tooling and very old versions of some of our core dependencies and libraries. We spent time updating dependencies, refactoring related code, and moving to CircleCI. This should give us […]

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We’re Back! A Fresh Start for Sprintly

Hi, it’s Joe Stump here and I have some exciting news to share. Sprintly has again become an independent company that I will be running along with April Dunford. The team at Quick Left has done a great job with Sprintly over the past couple of years, but taking it back to being its own […]

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No more sticky notes

Agile consultants love sticky notes. I think it’s because using sticky notes, during the initial agile training, makes for a great group activity. Everyone is sitting at the table, writing out user stories. Each person gets a turn to go up to the wall and stick their note. Everyone gets to collaborate with the prioritization. […]

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Use your whole screen

We’ve had multiple requests for Sprintly to better use screen real estate at higher resolutions. Now the Organizer, Activity, Reports, and Progress views are flexible. Go ahead and try it for yourself: expand that window! You’ll find this especially helpful in the Organizer view, as you can now see all five columns at once: Someday, […]

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Turn Slack into a GitHub command center

Does your team use GitHub Issues? You can now connect Slack and GitHub issues using our app, Partyline. This will allow you to manage your GitHub Issues without ever leaving Slack. For example, you can ask it to show you open issues: You can also create new tasks from Slack: You can try Partyline right […]

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Build your own Slack integration

How to build your own Slack integration

Over the past year, Slack has changed the way businesses communicate. With a very well documented and intuitive API, Slack gives developers the ability to easily create custom integrations to get data out of or into Slack. Need to get data out of Slack? Use their: Slash Commands or Outgoing webhooks Need to get data […]

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Choose software for your team without fighting

Don’t fight over tools

Every team needs tools (software, SaaS, apps) to get the job done. However, choosing those tools as a group can be frustrating. Some people like GitHub, others like Beanstalk. Developers want to use Slack to communicate, but management wants to use email. Employees want to use Macs, but the IT department wants to buy Lenovo. […]

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