AirPR Analyst

Humanizing data to increase PR performance

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AirPR Analyst humanizes data to increase PR performance.

The solution tracks media activity and provides top-level, actionable insights into your PR efforts to tell you what is driving engagement and moving the needle in terms of traffic, conversion, organic search, and even revenue.

For CMOs and communications professionals, understanding which PR efforts are driving the most effective outcomes is imperative to making better decisions around both budget allocation and content development for future campaigns.


In less than 30 minutes, you can fully onboard; in less than 24 hours you can begin pulling data and reports on current PR activity.


Real-time data aggregation and dynamic data visualization of only the most authoritative and impactful information across articles, blogs, and social.


Track the media activity of your top competitors; understand gaps and opportunities to drive future PR decision-making.


Our visibility platform delivers exceptional benefits for our issuer community, customers and the NYSE Euronext brand. It’s quite valuable that AirPR is aiming to help companies like the NYSE Euronext measure the impact of PR activities.

For CMOs and communications professionals, understanding which PR efforts are driving the most effective outcomes is imperative to making better decisions. Finally, with AirPR Analyst, we will be able to understand which press is driving engagement and moving the needle in terms of traffic, conversion, organic search, and even revenue.


Enterprise-focused Omniture for PR and the first big data analytics approach to measure the effectiveness down to real value

The Next Web
CMOs and PR firms will [now] have an easier time justifying their budgets when vying with advertising departments for dollars.

Fast Company
[AirPR Analyst is] a harbinger of a larger trend of publicists embracing big data-integrating web and social media analytics.

PR Week
[AirPR Analyst] cuts through the noise and offers top-level insights around the data that actually matters to a business.

AirPR is offering to fill an analytics gap for companies wanting to track PR campaigns and key activities.
Upstart Business Journal
Today's news business is all about metrics...and brands often don't know what it was about a PR campaign that caught fire.

Request Demo

Are you a CMO, VP of marketing, or PR pro looking to provide metrics around your PR activities? Typically, budget for reporting and analytics is 10-25% of your PR spend. If you're spending at minimum $10,000 a month on PR, Analyst could be a fit for you. Request a demo today!

Other questions? Shoot us a note → [email protected]