Who We Are.

HomeAdvisor provides homeowners the tools and resources they need to complete their home improvement, maintenance and repair projects. With HomeAdvisor, homeowners can view average project costs, find local pre-screened home professionals and instantly book appointments online. Our resources are free to homeowners, with no membership or fees required.

HomeAdvisor is based in Golden, Colo., and is an operating business of IAC (NASDAQ: IACI).

Learn more about our connection and planning tools.

Executive Team

HomeAdvisor’s executive team embodies an exceptional mix of Internet all-stars and proven business leaders.
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HomeAdvisor was launched as ServiceMagic in October 1999 as a resource to connect homeowners with pre-screened service professionals. HomeAdvisor was acquired by IAC in September of 2004.
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Parent Company

HomeAdvisor is an operating business of the InterActiveCorp (IAC), which is headquartered in New York City. IAC’s portfolio of brands also includes Match.com, Ask.com, Vimeo and The Daily Beast.
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