All plans include unlimited sending and storage of structured data plus access to Simperium libraries for iOS/OSX, Javascript, Python and Ruby.
Create a free account to get started right away. No credit card is required.
Put apps in production with up to 2,500 active users per month.
There are no hard limits for structured data. Large binary files like images, audio and video will be handled as a separate resource in the future.
We have a soft per-user limit for structured data to prevent abuse, but most users consume only a small portion of this. If you have exceptional per-user data needs, please contact us.
You'll be notified by email. After a period of 24 hours at a new tier, you'll automatically change tiers. Your billing for the month will be updated accordingly (pro rata).
Certain valid uses of Simperium, such as apps with very minimal storage and bandwidth needs or backend-only services, don't map well to active monthly users. Please contact us to arrange a custom plan.
You can mirror all your data to your own backend, but it's not yet possible to host Simperium yourself. We're open sourcing our client libraries, protocol, and a reference service implementation that will allow you to host your own service in the future.