WordCamp News

Ticket sales open for WordCamp Europe 2015

Tickets are now available for WordCamp Europe 2015 in Seville, Spain.


The ticket price of 40 EUR covers two conference days (Friday and Saturday, June 26th, 27th), lunch, coffee and snacks for every conference day, #WCEU contributor day on Sunday (June 28th), a t-shirt and other awesome swag, and entrance to the WordCamp Europe after-party.

The registration for Contributor day will open separately.

The call for speakers for #WCEU 2015 is still open too. Applications will be accepted until Feb 28th.

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WordCamp Europe 2015 dates and call for speakers announced

The dates and location for WordCamp Europe 2015 are set!

In a third consecutive year the growing European community will gather together for three days of knowledge sharing, networking, having fun and creating long-term friendships.

Keeping the original idea alive, WordCamp Europe is organised in a different European city every year. After starting it off in the North in Leiden in 2013 and moving east to Sofia in 2014, in 2015 we’re going South to beautiful Seville and will be hosted by the great Spanish WordPress community.

Siobhan McKeown is leading a team of 18 organizers, including five experienced local organizers and a global team of organizers from all over Europe.

When and where

26 – 28 June 2015 – Seville, Spain

Conference days: Friday, June 26th / Saturday, June 27th

Contributor day: Sunday, June 28th

Barceló Gran Hotel Renacimiento, Seville

Call for Speakers

WordCamp Europe 2015 has already published a call for speakers has been published and the organising team is expecting speaking proposal by 28 February 2015. All candidates will be contacted by 16 March.

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WordCamp Ventura County Tickets Available!

Heads up! WordCamp Ventura County has opened registration. Get those sweet $20 tickets while they last – they are good for an entire day of WordPress learning and geekery only minutes away from Ventura’s gorgeous beaches. We’ll have a great speaker lineup, a live stream, and all the awesome you could ever wish for in a WordCamp. Buy a ticket today!

And in case you can’t make it but still want to support the first ever WordCamp in Ventura County, there are still sponsorship opportunities available!

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WordCamp Hamburg recap

On the weekend 14th/15th of June 2014, we held a WordCamp in Germany. Around 300 people attended for a great weekend of WordPress Sessions, Panels, Workshops and Lightning Talks.

On Monday, June 16th we then celebrated our first ever contributor day in Germany at the betahaus, a co-working space in Hamburg. More than 30 people attended.

Figures and Facts

On both days about 300 attendees joined WordCamp Hamburg. We had sessions out of our glorious community around topics like theme- and plugin-development, marketing, blogging, social media, SEO, design, journalism, concept and much more.

  • 2 days
  • 300 attendees
  • 43 speakers
  • 44 sessions
  • 2 workshops
  • 2 panels
  • 4 sessions in english
  • 6 spontaneous sessions
  • 7 lightning talks
  • 3 tracks
  • first ever Contributor Day in Germany

Quite a few international contributors were around at contributor day and helped us get in the spirit. We built various teams for theming, support, translation, core and de.wordpress.org.

Right after the event we set up a feedback form. The responses are very helpful, so the next German WordCamp organizers can improve their events.


We tried some new formats like lightning talks, panels and workshops.

One of the very often heard feedback was the wish of a more barcamp style of WordCamp. In Germany we don’t have a tradition of WordCamps so some people were disappointed by the preset schedule.

We reserved two slots for spontaneous sessions each day. But obviously that was not enough.

The demand for smaller groups and the possibility for spontaneous meetings were mentioned quite often. So next time we would definitely try to have more smaller rooms on top of the three huge rooms where there is room for spontaneous get-togethers, discussions and workshops.


With the Geomatikum in Hamburg, we were hosted by a university, which meant we could easily host hundreds of people, the WiFi was stable (but a bit complicated), and it was very easy-to-reach.

Apart from the room requirements we mentioned earlier, a university is very functional. We maybe try to go for a bit more atmosphere and cut down to around 250 people.


Right from the beginning, we decided that if we wouldn’t be able to afford organic meat we would go vegetarian. We provided a lot of veggies and all sorts of fruits and catered for gluten free, vegan, and lactose free. Many people were very happy about the choices for allergies and the veggie decision. But quite a few people were unhappy for the lack of meat. Food is a delicate matter. Because of the tight budget we went for rolls as lunch. We will try harder next time to provide a hot meal.

Contributor Day

We are proud to have hosted the first German Contributor Day in Hamburg. It was a great day with around 30 attendees working on WordPress.

Celebrating Our Community

Keynote speaker Zé Fontainhas reminded us of the strength of our community and also the power of a worldwide meaning of WordPress. During the camp new meetups were founded and workgroups built.

All in all we’re very happy about WordCamp Hamburg 2014. So many people traveled from all over Germany and some from all around the world to attend 2 days of WordPress fun.

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WordCamp Hanoi publishes its call for speakers

(English Below)

WordCamp Hà Nội 2014 sẽ được tổ chức vào ngày 06/09/2014 tại Hub.IT từ 08:00 đến 18:00. Nhóm tổ chức sẽ đăng nội dung chi tiết của event trong thời gian tới đây. Tổng quan nội dung của event như sau:

  • 8:00 – 9:00: Đăng ký tham gia event
  • 9:00 – 12:00: Các phần trình bày (3 phần trình bày trong buổi sáng)
  • 12:00 – 1:30: Ăn trưa
  • 13:30 – 17:00: Các phần trình bày (4 phần trình bày trong buổi chiều)
  • 17:00 – 17:30: Kết thúc event
  • 17:30 – 18:00: Chụp ảnh chung giữa tất cả những người tham dự

Nhóm tổ chức đang tìm kiếm các speaker cho event (bạn có thể gửi email đăng ký nội dung tham gia tới [email protected]) cho các nhóm chủ đề sau:

  • Khía cạnh kinh doanh của WordPress (business) (2 phần trình bày)
  • Sử dụng WordPress (users) (3 phần trình bày)
  • Phát triển (development) WordPress (2 phần trình bày)

Ngoài ra, bạn có thể đề xuất các phần trình bày của riêng bạn, không nằm trong ba nhóm chủ để trên. Tuy nhiên, bạn nên lưu ý rằng nhóm tổ chức mong muốn các phần trình bày thật đa dạng, phù hợp với mối quan tâm của càng nhiều người tham gia càng tốt.

Các bạn có thể đăng ký để trở thành speaker ngay từ bây giờ và hạn cuối là vào ngày 11/08/2014. Chúng tôi sẽ thông báo các phần trình bày vào thứ hai, ngày 13/08/2014.

Cảm ơn các bạn!

WordCamp Hanoi 2014 will be on September 6th, 2014 at Hub.IT from 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM. We will post a more detailed schedule soon, but here is a general overview of what the schedule will look like:

  • 8:00 – 9:00: Event Registration
  • 9:00 – 12:00: Talks (3 total talks in the morning)
  • 12:00 – 1:30: Lunch
  • 13:30 – 17:00: Talks (4 total talks in the afternoon)
  • 17:00 – 17:30: Finish everything and closing remarks.
  • 17:30 – 18:00: Group photo of all the event attendees together.

We are looking for speaker applications for this event (you can email us your proposal to [email protected]) for the following topics:

  • The business side of WordPress (2 talks)
  • Using WordPress (3 talks)
  • Developing WordPress (2 talks)

Please feel free to suggest your own topic if it doesn’t fall into one of the three categories above, but do keep in mind that we would like a diverse range of talks that interest as many people as possible.

Speaker applications are open now and will close on August 11th, 2014. We will announce the schedule of talks on Monday, August 13th, 2014.

Thank you!

— reblogged from WordCamp Hanoi

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WordCamp Birmingham Tickets on sale and Schedule posted

WordCamp Birmingham is excited to announce that tickets are officially on sale and the schedule is posted. This year includes workshops and content for bloggers, designers, business folks, and developers.

Did you know that Birmingham is the South’s longest-running WordCamp? This year has been exciting, and we’re proud of the 2014 WordCamp we’ve put together.

If you’re in the area, and you like WordPress, you won’t want to miss it. Come on out y’all!


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WordCamp Ha Nội sẽ được tổ chức vào ngày 6/9 (WordCamp Hanoi to be Held on September 6th)

(English Below)

Năm nay, WordCamp HN sẽ được tổ chức tại Hub.IT ngày 6/9/2014 từ 8:00 AM tới 6:00 PM.

Cộng đồng WP HN đã bắt đầu gặp gỡ nhau thường xuyên hơn trong vài năm trở lại đây và kể từ đó chúng ta đã gia tăng được các mối liên hệ và kết nối với nhau lên rất nhiều và đến nay có thể nói là đã đủ để chúng ta tổ chức 1 buổi WordCamp đầu tiên tại Việt Nam!.

WordCamp năm nay sẽ là 1 môi trường học hỏi, thư giãn và có không khí như gia đình vậy. Nó cũng là buổi “liên hoan” nho nhỏ cho những gì mà cộng đồng đã làm được trong những năm gần đây.

Mục tiêu của WordCamp là tìm kiếm và kết nối những người đam mê WP đang sống tại HN hay có thể đến HN. Bất kỳ WPer nào – từ blogger, designer, developer – đều được chào đón. Mục đích cuối cùng của cộng đồng này là tạo ra và tăng cường 1 mạng lưới mà trong đó những người yêu mến WP như chúng ta có thể cùng nhau lớn mạnh.

Hãy thường xuyên truy cập website của WordCamp HN để theo dõi những cập nhật mới nhất trong vòng vài tuần tới nhé.

This year’s WordCamp Hanoi will be held at Hub.IT on September 6th, 2014, from 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM.

The Hanoi WordPress community began meeting each other regularly a few years ago, and since then we’ve grown our relationships and connections with each other so much that this year we’ll be hosting the first ever WordCamp in Vietnam.

This year’s WordCamp will be filled with learning, a relaxed and familial environment, and a celebration for our community’s accomplishments during the last few years.

The aim of the WordCamp is to find and connect WordPress enthusiasts who either live in Hanoi or may be passing through for a visit. Any WordPresser—blogger, designer, or developer—is welcomed. The ultimate goal of this community is to create and foster a network in which we as WordPress lovers will thrive and grow together.

Stay tuned to the WordCamp Hanoi website for more event updates during the next few weeks!

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WordCamp Los Angeles Tickets On Sale!

WordCamp Los Angeles will be held September 5th thru the 7th, at Cal State Los Angeles.

We feature an amazing selection of speakers from near and far. Their knowledge will blow your socks off! This year we’ll be featuring three speaking tracks on Saturday, a set of workshops on Friday and a Contributor Day on Sunday. So there’s going to be something for everyone — come check it out!

Tickets are only $45 for three days of super-fun content, so if you’re anywhere near LA the first weekend of September, you definitely need to scoop up a ticket! You won’t be sorry you did!

And if you’re the 500th person to purchase a ticket, we’ll give you a free tattoo of the WordPress fauxgo on your neck! (Oops! Just heard that we can’t really do that. Sorry!)

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