Sponsor Multiple WordCamps

WordCamp San Francisco OverviewDo you love sponsoring WordCamps? Perhaps you love it so much that you wish you could sponsor every WordCamp on the planet, or on a certain continent, or during a certain season. If so, check out our Multi-Event Sponsorship Package & Sample Contract, a great way for companies to sponsor multiple WordCamps even more easily.

Multi-Event WordCamp sponsorship allows most WordCamps to spend substantially less time worrying about fundraising, freeing up our volunteer organizing teams to focus on putting great speakers and content in front of WordCamp attendees. If you’re hoping to substantially contribute to improving and sustaining WordCamps, this is a great way to do so.

pic1As a Multi-Event WordCamp sponsor, you’ll be notified by email every time a WordCamp in your selected region/time period is added to the schedule. That email will include the WordCamp’s date, location, shipping address, sponsor wrangler contact info, twitter account, hashtag, and expected attendance. You’ll be billed quarterly by WordCamp Central, so you won’t have to maintain multiple lines of communication (unless you just want to). WordCamps will be offered your sponsorship at the point of budget approval – the same time they’re going on the schedule, so you’ll be among the first sponsorship offers considered by each organizing team.

Interested in becoming a Multi-Event WordCamp sponsor? Drop us a line!

Huge props to the community group that helped draft this program: Al Davis, Kevin Cristiano, Jared Smith, and Marissa Rosen.  And to the sponsors of every WordCamp, thank you for helping us make great WordPress events possible.