Monthly Archives: July 2006

Word from the scene

Okay, so I go out tonight mainly to fuel my hunger and thirst. While I have plenty of stash packed away to fuel the thirst, I’m sadly low on foodstuffs. It’s been an interesting couple hours.

First, I head over to Wang’s. I’d just like to state, for the record, that this is the best named Chinese place, ever. Forget the play on word places, Wang’s doesn’t mess around when it comes to suggestive names. Wang’s.

Wang’s is right up the street, less than a block away. They used to be over at #1 Beale, but that old building got demolished (nobody seems to really know why), and now they’re over at the corner of Main and Gayoso. They’ve been there for a few months, I’ve just been too lazy to stop by. And I must say, their new digs? NICE. They have possibly the best stage I’ve ever seen in a restaurant. I may drop back over in an hour or so to hear whatever band is playing, because they did not skimp one bit on the sound system, or the stage. It’s huge, takes up like a quarter of the place, and looks like they could put on one hell of a show.

Anyway, I get some chinese food and a couple of chinese beers, and notice that the place is practically empty. This naturally concerns me, because I like the places around here to do well. Doing well means they stick around which means more fun for me, because I ain’t leaving anytime soon.

So I finish my meal, pay the extremely reasonable tab, and head over to Sleep Out Louie’s, or as Paul calls it, the Union Avenue Branch Office. They have a couple playing in there that I had not heard before. Pam and Terry or some such thing. I cannot recall. In any case, they’re pretty good. I listen to them a while, while playing some NTN Trivia and drinking mixed drinks, since I’m not quite trusting their beer dispenser system yet. Seriously, I love Louie’s, and I make it a point to go every Sunday morning if possible, but the beer taps need a major overhaul. First they had to clean the lines, then the fridges went out so it was warm. And IMO, it was never really cold to begin with. Still, they have very cheap liqour, so I tend to stick to the mixed drinks and we get along just fine.

In any case, Louie’s is dead too. There’s like three tables full, and nobody at the bar, and this is unusual for 7:30 on a Saturday. So I pay my cheap tab, and head to the Flying Saucer, (aka Paul’s Second Avenue Branch Office). And they’re practically empty too!

I have one beer, then ask around, and appearantly there’s not only a baseball game going on tonight, but some kind of concert. Looking around the intarweb, appearanly Widespread Panic played last night and is playing again tonight. I had no idea. That’s what I get for working hard all week and not paying attention. Not that I’d go and see them, but still, I like to be in the loop on this sort of thing.

So here I am at home, enjoying a Red Bull and Ketel, and typing this worthless drivel. Oh well. With any luck, Mandy will stop by later in the week on her way to NC, although I am doubtful at this stage. It’s kinda out of her way and all. Yes, this is a blatent attempt to guilt Mandy into showing up anyway. )

Enjoy the links.

Fireworks tip for the future

Little tip for those of you into the whole “explosives” thing…

When having a bottle rocket war, buy the cheap ones. Yes, the good ones have a more reliably burning fuse and thus are easier to aim and fire correctly, however they also have a much more powerful thrust to them, and thus the impact is more likely to leave serious wounds. I was pretty much pwned by my brother at our little rocket-fest last Tuesday, and the wound has turned into a fairly ugly scabbed over hole in my shoulder, along with some colorful bruising around it.

This is all from the impact of the rocket, mind you. The rocket itself rebounded off behind me and exploded a good distance away, as they always tend to do. Usually the cheap ones will have just enough thrust to tap you and possibly to burn your T-Shirt, however these packed a bit more of a wallop. They even bruised my leg through my blue jeans, although not nearly as badly and that wound has now healed entirely. The shoulder wound is recovering much more slowly and with a nice yellow jaundicey color patch for a bruise. )

But despite my disfigurement, I had a good weekend. Got my drink on at Sleep Out Louie’s. Nice place on the weekends, especially with brunch until 2. I love those crab meat omelets. Also finally got some shopping done and all that jazz. Looking forward to September though. D

More about Amazon Grocery

Back when I wrote about Amazon Grocery the first time, I also placed a couple orders.

I’d been wanting a particular book, and my Amazon Prime trial membership had just expired (and I didn’t feel that “free” shipping was worth $70+ a year), so I started looking for stuff I needed which they had.

What I found I was running low on was toilet paper.

A bit of searching and I ran across some TP on Amazon. Plus the price was just right to make both my book and the TP get free shipping. Perfect.

So off my order went, for my book and for Scott Toilet Paper. Excellent.

It took it about 10 days to get here. Good thing I was only running low and not out of the stuff. But the book is good, and the TP.. Well… It’s paper. I don’t expect much out of my TP.

Scott TP

Nice handy dispenser box, I must say. Although I did get some odd looks from the apartment people when I picked up my shipment of what was clearly a bulk box of toilet paper. Hey, I looked right back at ‘em. A man’s gotta wipe.

Plus, this is rapid-dissolving, supposedly, so no more damn clogged up toilets. ;)

I still don’t see myself using this Amazon Grocery stuff for anything more than filler items for when I order books and such, to get up to the free shipping amount, but still, at least now those filler items will be useful stuff that I happen to need. Not sure where I’ll put these bulk items though.