Category Archives: ProGuide

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ProGuide: How to Keep Motivation Levels Sky High Within Your Company

They say behind every successful company is a great team, however, keeping up this level of motivation amongst employees can be difficult, especially when the challenges common across numerous industries are encountered. Whether you have a small, close knit team or a larger group of employees based across various locations, motivating your employees can work wonders for boosting your bottom line.

Here we take a look at how you can motivate your employees and reap the rewards of a valued and more productive workforce.


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Don’t hold back

Being clear when it comes to your expectations is more vital than you think when it comes to maintaining an honest working relationship with each and every member of your team. As well as setting clear and attainable goals for staff members or departments, letting them in on the bigger picture of how each goal contributes to the wider, long term vision that you have for your company reiterates just how important each individual colleague is to the wider health of your business venture. (more…)

PROGUIDE: How to Keep Your Customers Coming Back Time and Time Again

The net is filled with posts offering advice on how to market and gain new customers, but making sure they come back is equally as important. While it is essential to attract new customers to buy your product or try your service, work must always be done to ensure each customer you do attract remains loyal and returns to you time and time again.

Customer Service

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Here we reveal the strategies every business owner can use to keep the lines of communication open with existing customers and develop your company with plenty of devoted consumers in tow.

Reward loyalty

Whilst it’s not viable for every business to set up a loyalty points scheme or run regular giveaways, giving something back to your customer base is a must, whether that be a discount or even a thank you card. Your customers are the life blood of your business, and by showing them you value their custom, they are more likely to choose you over your competitors.

Offering a discount can also be a great way to remind your customers that you are still in business and offers like this can prompt customers to get back in touch.

PROGUIDE: 5 Apps That Could Just Help You Work Smarter

As a business owner, I’m a lover of all the technological advancements that help you develop your organization and take the company to new heights. Seen as there’s an app for pretty much everything, it should come as no surprise that there are also mobile based tools that can help busy business owners do what they do best!


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Getting back to basics

Being able to successfully manage your company as well as keep a beady eye on everything that’s going on from wherever you are is a challenge faced by many entrepreneurs, particularly those with rapidly growing businesses. The Basecamp app allows you to get virtually back to base, even if you can’t always be there in person. (more…)