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bbPress 2.5.4 – Security & Bugfix Release

Published on June 6th, 2014 by John James Jacoby

bbPress 2.5.4 is out. It fixes 6 bugs, the last of which is a security concern for all previous bbPress 2.x installations. If you’re using any version of bbPress 2.x and have been hesitating to upgrade, please consider doing so today. If you need help, please reach out in our support forums and someone will be happy to help.

The following bugs have been fixed in 2.5.4:

  • #2586 – Fix ‘Replies in each forum’ repair tool, to prevent breaking the reply position.
  • #2162 – Switch notification emails to send 1 email using Bcc headers VS one for each subscriber.
  • #2496 – Support slashes in slug settings, and improve sanitization of these fields.
  • #2518 – Improve handling of SSL assets when relying on theme compatibility.
  • #2588 – Fix bug when editing a reply that would pollute hierarchical replies in that topic.
  • #2610 – Properly handle escaping of displayed user fields and data when editing a user.

Thanks go out to Mazen Gamal Mesbah for identifying and responsibly disclosing the displayed user field vulnerability. I’m proud to say the bbPress team worked quickly to get 2.5.4 out just after the 24 hour mark of being notified, which for a volunteer team is pretty great.

For anyone keeping an eye on the development of 2.6, all of these fixes are already ported over, and we bumped the 2.6 release date back to the end of June to give us time to enjoy the fresh summer air.

Please accept our apologies for the late-Friday release, and do spend some time this weekend giving your bbPress installations some TLC with an update to 2.5.4.

2014 bbPress Survey Results

Published on May 22nd, 2014 by @mercime

This report presents the results from the 2014 bbPress Survey held from March 7 – April 11, 2014. One hundred eighty-three participants from thirty-seven countries completed the survey. Thank you all.

Country flags of the  183 Survey Participants

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2014 bbPress Survey

Published on March 7th, 2014 by John James Jacoby

It was late in 2010 that we started laying the foundation for bbPress 2.0, the reimagining of bbPress as a WordPress plugin. Since then, we’ve revolutionized theme integration with theme-compatibility, added depth to topics with threaded replies, enabled users to stay connected with forum subscriptions, and added numerous other requested features (some that weren’t even in bbPress originally!)

bbPress has always had a passionate community, and we want to keep everyone included in how we plan for the future of the platform. In general, we prioritize features and releases by the what we see requested in Trac and the Forums, the wants/needs/desires of myself, Matt, & Stephen, and we keep an eye on the direction WordPress goes too.

Just like we did with BuddyPress, Merci Me put together a similar survey with questions that will help the core team build a better bbPress. We want to create forum software that enjoy using, and your opinions and feedback will definitely help with that.

You will find the survey embedded below.

Thanks for taking some time out of your day to help us. We’ll post the results of this survey in the next few weeks!

Open Sourcing

Published on March 6th, 2014 by John James Jacoby

Pssst… want to know a secret? Every day when you’re accessing, you’re actually looking at code that’s part of’s WordPress installation. (Pretty neat, eh?) Because of this, a recent announcement over at the blog also applies here, that after some clean-up and simplification, we’ve open sourced the custom code that’s running on

This means you’re free to help shape the design, features, and direction that both and take in the future. It’s really exciting (for me) since what’s been running here for the past few years is largely made from bits of my (increasingly fragmented) imagination to provide a clean slate & solid foundation for everyone to build on top of.

I’m really excited to see what the future of both and look like, now that you’re able to help us out!

bbPress 2.5.3 released

Published on January 11th, 2014 by John James Jacoby

Out today is bbPress 2.5.3, a bug fix release that also comes with improved support for WordPress 3.8′s new, more modern administration area design. A few of the more notable changes are outlined below:

  • WordPress 3.8 support (dashicons, new color schemes)
  • Fix dropdown selects in settings pages
  • Fix accidental topic subscription removal on reply form
  • Fix poor grammar in profile title element
  • Fix admin area SSL support

Check out the changelog on trac for a complete list of tickets and changes.

Read more → updated to WordPress 3.8

Published on December 13th, 2013 by John James Jacoby

A quick note that has been updated to WordPress 3.8. bbPress 2.5 is fully compatible with this latest and greatest WordPress release, so you can update knowing that your bbPress powered forums will continue working as normal.

We’re also currently working on some performance improvements to bbPress for 2.6. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, check out the discussion on our Trac, maybe test a patch, and drop in some feedback if you have any.

bbPress 2.5.1 released

Published on December 4th, 2013 by John James Jacoby

Today we are releasing bbPress 2.5.1, the first bug-fix release to bbPress 2.5.

bbPress 2.5.1 fixes a few small issues with subscriptions and stylesheet theme compatibility that were introduced in 2.5.

Check out the 2.5.1 milestone on Trac, and go update to bbPress 2.5.1 to get the latest fixes!

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bbPress 2.5 Released

Published on November 25th, 2013 by John James Jacoby

Today the bbPress team is proud to release bbPress 2.5.

bbPress 2.5 introduces forum subscriptions, allowing users to subscribe to new topics created in specific forums. It also comes with a swarm of new importers thanks to our newest core contributor, Stephen Edgar.

There are improvements all around, including: BuddyPress Notifications integration, theme compatibility, internationalization, and more!

Please update to bbPress 2.5 right away to get the sweetest bbPress version so far! Major thanks go out to:

alex-ye, alexvorn2, aliso, boonebgorges, daveshine, DJPaul, ethitter, fanquake, GargajCNS, GautamGupta, imath, mamaduka, Maty, mercime, mordauk, mrcl, MZAWeb, r-a-y, thebrandonallen, tlovett1, wpdennis

(Contact JJJ if your name is missing from the above list.)

We’ve already setup the roadmap for bbPress 2.6, which will focus on performance improvements, and replacing comments with bbPress topics. Check out the 2.6 milestone on Trac and give us a hand with the next release.

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bbPress 2.4.1 Bug Fix Release

Published on October 10th, 2013 by John James Jacoby

Available immediately is bbPress 2.4.1. This version of bbPress fixes seven bugs with bbPress 2.4:

  • Fix forum status saving. (#2408)
  • Fix widget settings saving. (#2319)
  • Fix custom wp_title compatibility. (#2405)
  • Fix search results custom permalink compatibility. (#2441)
  • Fix custom user topics & replies pages. (#2448)
  • Fix hierarchical reply handling in converter. (#2439)

Go download bbPress 2.4.1 now!

For a more detailed log of changes, check out the 2.4.1 milestone in trac.

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Introducing Stephen Edgar

Published on October 10th, 2013 by John James Jacoby

Today, I’m excited to announce Stephen Edgar‘s contributions to bbPress are being recognized by him earning core commit access to the bbPress project.

You should recognize Stephen as being a force in both the support forums and on Trac. He’s been hugely involved in developing and maintaining the multiple importers and converters that have been part of bbPress since 2.1. Stephen’s ability to learn quickly (by digging deep into the code to identify and quickly patch bugs) and his patience and persistence in the support forums, make him a welcome addition to the bbPress core team.

Stephen’s first tasks for the bbPress 2.5 development cycle will be introducing a few new converters, along with general bug fixing. You can follow the progress of bbPress 2.5 by visiting the milestone in our development tracker.

Congratulations Stephen, and thanks for your hard work and continued efforts!

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