Handyman Cost Guides

They specialize in odd jobs. You know, the ones you mean to do yourself, if you're handy enough, but never seem to get to. It could be replacing a broken cabinet hinge, stopping a leaky faucet or sanding down a gouge in your wood floor. The handyman is a trained generalist, and it was probably a handyman who coined the phrase, "No job too small." How much you pay your handyman will depend on several factors:
Size of a Handyman Job
The larger the job, the more time it will take to complete and the more a handyman will generally charge. Most experienced handymen will be able to make an estimation of how long a job will take before they start. Some handymen will have certain jobs for which they charge a flat fee as well. Discuss your project in detail with your handyman ahead of time to establish the price before the work starts.  Continue Reading

Select your Handyman project

Keep in mind, that if the job is big, requiring $500 a day or more, you'll need to go with a contractor instead.
Handyman's Experience
Experience can be a valuable commodity. The rate most pros charge will be based on their level of expertise. A more experienced handyman may charge a higher rate but may take half the time to do a job than a less experienced pro.
Complexity of the Job
The more complicated the job, the longer it will probably take and the more you'll pay for labor. Most handymen know a little bit about a lot of things but would not describe themselves, specifically, as electricians, plumbers or painters. A good handyman will be able to tell you from the start if there are aspects of the job that they can't handle well. In those cases, you'll need a contractor or licensed specialist. For example, you may hire a handyman to repair the water damage to your ceiling. But once he or she starts work, it may become clear that there's also electrical damage that will need an electrician.
Finding the Right Handyman
Developing a trusting relationship with a skilled, reliable handyman is like finding that great daycare provider or doctor. It will take a weight off your shoulders when things go wrong in your house. And things will go wrong. Keeping up on the maintenance of your home will maintain the value of this important asset, and a skilled handyman can certainly help.