Import Forums
Codex Home → Import Forums
Supported Platforms
- Advanced Electron Forum v1.x (beta testing for bbPress 2.5 see #2384)
- bbPress v1.1/v1.2 (This also includes BuddyPress Group Forums)
- Drupal v7.x (beta testing for bbPress 2.5 see #2375)
- FluxBB v1.5.x (beta testing for bbPress 2.5 see #2383)
- Invision
- Mingle
- MyBB v1.6.x (beta testing for bbPress 2.5 see #2378)
- Phorum v5.2.19 (beta testing for bbPress 2.5 see #2382)
- phpBB v.3.x
- PunBB v1.4.x (beta testing for bbPress 2.5 see #2379)
- Simple Press v5
- Simple Machines Forum v2.0.x (beta testing for bbPress 2.5 see #2380)
- Vanilla v2.x
- vBulletin v4.x
You can also make your own custom importer using the included Example.php located in /bbpress/includes/admin/converters/Example.php to setup an import from any SQL database.
Getting There
- Log in to your WordPress Admin Dashboard
- Select the ‘Tools’ tab select ‘Forums’ from the navigation menu
- Select the ‘Import Forums’ tab at the top of the screen.
Configuring the Importer
Database Settings
- Select the source platform that you are importing from, bbPress, phpBB etc
- Database Server: Leave as ‘localhost’ unless your hosting provider requires you to use an IP address.
- Database Port: Use default 3306 if unsure
- Database Name: Name of the database with your old forum data
- Database User: User for your database connection
- Database Password: Password to access the database
- Table Prefix: (If converting from BuddyPress Forums, use “wp_bb_” or your custom prefix)
Optional Settings
- Rows Limit
- Delay Time
- Convert Users
- Start Over
- Purge Previous Import
Importing the Data
- Click ‘Start’
Finalizing the Import
- After importing your forums/topics/replies you need update the relationships between forums, topics, replies, and topic tags, and users from the ‘Repair Forums’ tool and run each of these tools individually as substantial database overhead is created whilst running these tools.
Known Issues
- For specific FAQ’s and known issues regarding phpBB see this article
- Forum Importers do not currently import topic ‘sticky status’ #2126
- Option to delete imported users when performing ‘Reset Forum’ #1889
- Importer ‘post_status’ precedence and priority #2130
- BuddyPress: bbPress1 importer doesn’t check BP group status #2089