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bbPress in Your Language

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Like WordPress, bbPress has the built in capability to be used in any language. The instructions below assume you have already configured WordPress in Your Language with define ('WPLANG', ''); in your WordPress wp-config.php file, if you have not setup this do this first by Installing WordPress in Your Language.

Where you can get the language files

Go to and select the current version of bbPress (or the latest dev branch)

Select your preferred language eg. Portuguese (Brazil)

Select 'all current' as '.po' and click ‘export’ and save this file to a folder on your computer, do the same again this time selecting '.mo'

How to use the language files

Rename each file of the files to bbpress-language_COUNTRY.extension

eg. bbpress-plugin-pt-br.po to bbpress-pt_BR.po
and to
Note: Ensure you use the - and _ in the correct place per the above example.

Using FTP upload both the .po and .mo files to /wp-content/languages/bbpress/ of your WordPress instalation. If the /wp-content/languages/ and /wp-content/languages/bbpress/ folders do not exist, create them.

Is your language missing?

If you do not see your language in the list, please consider creating a bbPress translation, to get started see Translating WordPress and post any questions you have on the WordPress Polyglots blog.