The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a nonprofit with a worldwide mission to promote computer user freedom and to defend the rights of all free software users. Read more.
"I’ve spent a third of my life building software based on Stallman’s four freedoms, and I’ve been astonished by the results. WordPress wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for those freedoms, and it couldn’t have evolved the way it has."
- Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress
Free software developers guarantee everyone equal rights to their programs; any user can study the source code of a free program, modify it, and share it. By contrast, most software carries licenses, patents and agreements that deny us these basic rights. Because it is transparent, free software is hard to use for surveillance. This makes it a crucial defence against invasions of privacy by the NSA and the world's big Internet and telecommunications companies. The FSF is building a movement to develop and expand the existing library of free software tools that everyone can use to make the NSA's job harder. In addition, we are continuing to grow the work that we have done for almost thirty years to promote and defend all free software:
We are only able to do these things because of your continued support; please become a member today. |
- US Supreme Court makes the right decision to nix Alice Corp. patent, but more work needed to end software patents for good
- To help Reset the Net, FSF launches guide to email protection
- Tehnoetic wireless USB adapter now FSF-certified to respect your freedom
- FSF condemns partnership between Mozilla and Adobe to support Digital Restrictions Management
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Blog Posts
- Friday Free Software Directory IRC meetup: July 11
- Seattle free software event this fall: Call for Participation now open
- GNU Spotlight with Karl Berry: 23 new GNU releases!
- Introducing Alex Patel, our summer Campaigns intern
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Take Action
- Tell W3C: we don't want the Hollyweb!
- Stand up for your freedom to install free software; sign the pledge against Restricted Boot
- Protect your freedom and privacy; join us in creating an Internet that's safer from surveillance
- Free a computer from Windows
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