bbPress Complete

bbPress Complete
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Table of Contents
Sample Chapters
  • A step-by-step guide to creating, managing, and growing a community around your WordPress website.
  • Learn handy pointers from an experienced community manager to keep your forum free of hassle.
  • Integrate bbPress functionality into WordPress with shortcodes

Book Details

Language : English
Paperback : 99 pages [ 235mm x 191mm ]
Release Date : July 2013
ISBN : 1782167242
ISBN 13 : 9781782167242
Author(s) : Rhys Wynne
Topics and Technologies : All Books, CMS and eCommerce, MySQL, Open Source, PHP

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Getting Started with bbPress
Chapter 2: Taking Your First Steps with bbPress
Chapter 3: User Management in bbPress
Chapter 4: Extending bbPress Using Plugins
Chapter 5: Adding bbPress to Your WordPress Theme
  • Chapter 1: Getting Started with bbPress
    • What is bbPress?
      • A brief history of bbPress
      • Benefits of using bbPress
    • Prerequisites for installing bbPress
    • Installing WordPress
    • Installing bbPress
      • Method 1 – downloading and installing the plugin from the WordPress repository
      • Method 2 – uploading a ZIP file of bbPress to WordPress
      • Method 3 – uploading the unzipped bbPress plugin via FTP
    • Troubleshooting installation problems
    • Summary
    • Chapter 2: Taking Your First Steps with bbPress
      • Setting up WordPress correctly
        • Allowing user registration in WordPress
        • Setting up Pretty Permalinks
      • The bbPress settings page
        • Main Settings
          • Disallow editing after (x) minutes
          • Throttle posting every (x) seconds
          • Allow topic and reply revision logging
          • Favorites and Subscriptions
          • Allow topics to have tags
          • Anonymous posting
          • The default user role
          • The auto role
          • The fancy editor
          • Auto-embed links
        • Per page settings
        • Archive and single Slugs
      • Forums
        • Creating a new forum
          • The Enter Title Here box
          • The Post box
          • Forum attributes
      • Editing and deleting forums
      • Forum posts – topics and replies
        • Adding new posts
        • Replying to topics
        • Topic and Reply Management
          • Edit
          • Closed/open topics
          • Stick/unstick (to front)
          • Merge topics
          • Trash
          • Spam
      • Summary
      • Chapter 3: User Management in bbPress
        • Setting up your administration profile
          • Signing up for Gravatar
          • Adding and amending details to your user profile
            • Personal Options
            • Admin Color Scheme
            • Toolbar
            • Name
            • Contact Info
            • About Yourself
            • New password
        • User roles
          • Keymaster
          • Moderator
          • Participant
          • Spectator
          • Blocked
        • Changing user levels on a large scale
        • Changing user levels individually
        • Deleting spam accounts
        • Summary
        • Chapter 4: Extending bbPress Using Plugins
          • Spam protection
            • Blocking spam posts – Akismet
            • Blocking spam registrations – WP-reCAPTCHA
          • GD bbPress Tools
            • Quote Topics and Replies
            • Toolbar Menu
            • User Signatures
            • Limit bbPress access on admin side
            • BBCodes
            • BBCodes support
            • BBCodes new topic/reply notice
            • Limit to bbPress only
            • Advanced BBCodes
            • Views
          • Attachments – GD bbPress attachments
            • Global Attachment Settings
            • Maximum File Size
            • Maximum Files To Upload
            • Hide The List Of Attached Files From Visitors
            • Users Upload Restrictions
            • Topic and Reply Deleting
            • JavaScript and CSS Settings
            • Error Logging
            • Deleting Attachments
            • Forums Integration
            • Display of Image Attachments
            • Image Thumbnails Size
          • Improved e-mail notifications – bbPress Email Notifications
          • Viewing unread topics – bbPress unread posts
          • View users online – WP-UserOnline
            • Time Out
            • UserOnline URL
            • Link User Names To Their Author Page
            • Naming Conventions / UserOnline Templates
          • Plugin checks – what to look for when installing plugins?
            • Question 1 – when was the plugin last updated?
            • Question 2 – how well is the plugin supported?
            • Question 3 – does the community say it works?
            • Question 4 – anything incriminating on search engines?
          • Actions and filters – developing your own bbPress plugins!
            • bbPress API – actions and functions
            • Adding your plugin's function to bbPress using action hooks
            • Common bbPress API actions
            • Common bbPress API functions
          • Summary
          • Chapter 5: Adding bbPress to Your WordPress Theme
            • Adding bbPress widgets to WordPress
            • Available bbPress widgets
            • Adding more widgets with GD bbPress widgets
              • The bbPress (and WordPress) template structure
            • Editing individual elements of bbPress
              • Adding individual elements of bbPress to your theme
            • Individual bbPress elements and their functions
              • Adding the Recent Topics section beneath the home page
              • Adding a Return To The Forum link on a user's profile page
            • Integrating bbPress functionality into WordPress with shortcodes
              • bbPress shortcode list
              • Creating more user friendly login forms with shortcodes
            • Adding your forum to navigation areas using custom menus
              • Creating a custom menu and adding links to your bbPress forums
              • Adding an area for custom menus in WordPress
            • Creating a forum-only widget sidebar
              • Registering the widget area
              • Creating a forum sidebar template
            • Adding the custom sidebar template to your forum template
            • Summary

            Rhys Wynne

            Rhys Wynne is a web developer and Internet marketer originally from Colwyn Bay, North Wales, though now based in Manchester. Rhys has over seven years of commercial experience in developing websites, the majority of which have been built in WordPress. Rhys has over three years of experience in developing bbPress websites, and has released a number of plugins both for free and for commercial use. One such plugin, WP Email Capture, has been downloaded nearly 100,000 times. Apart from Internet technologies, Rhys is a keen football fan, supporting his hometown team of Colwyn Bay, and he also enjoys traveling and photography.

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            What you will learn from this book

            • Install bbPress on a WordPress installation and troubleshoot common problems
            • Manage posts, promote popular discussions, merge similar topics, and block spam, allowing your forum to grow
            • Expand the functionality of your forum with WordPress and bbPress plugins
            • Build specific templates using the WordPress and bbPress templating system
            • Give useful information by providing a sidebar in your forum

            In Detail

            Even with the rise of social media, forums remain a popular part of the Internet. bbPress allows you to increase interactivity with your WordPress website or blog by creating discussion forums within its confines.

            bbPress Complete will show you how to create and manage a forum effectively. You will learn how to manage users, expand your forum with plugins, and integrate your forum into the rest of your site, whether it is a local community forum or a large website with thousands of visitors.

            You will start off by learning the basics of bbPress and gradually acquire all the skills needed to run a successful bbPress community. You will learn how to integrate your forum effectively with the rest of your site, as well as how to manage the different kinds of users and much more. With clear, concise instructions detailing every aspect of the software, you will gain the knowledge required to extend bbPress using plugins and add bbPress to your WordPress theme. Furthermore, the real-world examples and clear instructions will give you all the tools you need to turn your blog into a successful community hub.


            A concise guide, written in an easy-to-follow format.

            Who this book is for

            This book is aimed at ambitious website or blog owners looking to add a forum to their site quickly and easily. Basic experience in WordPress and with managing a website is expected. Knowledge of HTML and PHP will be a bonus, though it isn’t necessary.

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