Tag Archives: Automattic

Me; WordPress; and the Future

As those at WordCamp Gold Coast recently found out(Wow, this past month has flown by!), I’m now listed on http://twitter.com/#!/automattic/automatticians/members!.

Yup. I’m an Automattician (Pst. That means I’ve been hired by Automattic)

So where does this leave my other projects:

  • My plugins will continue to be developed in my spare time.
  • My other random WordPressy projects may get some attention in my spare time, as they always have
  • I’m ceasing all development on WordPress.org to focus my efforts on WordPress.com
    ..just kidding, My involvement on WordPress.org will continue as it has in previous years, hopefully better than ever, whilst working on WordPress.org won’t be my day job, I’ll be able to give it the attention it deserves. WordPress.com was born out of WordPress.org, and I doubt I’d be anywhere near the first without the latter!
  • In other words – Life as normal.

Tonight marks the end of my 3 weeks Support Rotation my first week doing Development (It’s taken me a week to hit publish on this post..), from here on, I’ll be known as a Renewable Engineering Specialist, Yeah, you have to love the Tech. titles!

I’m quite proud to be able to say Automattic is my “place” of work, I’m looking forward to learning a whole lot more off the amazing people who I already know (and the many who I haven’t met) at Automattic – not that there’s too many to meet, with Automattic having just crossed the 100 employee mark, that’s not bad for a company who’s primary product handles over 250 million unique users per week. It’s also nice to see the Automattic population in Australia explode, up from 1 a month ago, to 4 of us!

Questions? :)
(better make them good ones.. so no questions on this ever-evolving design huh? You’ll be glad to know I’ve not been hired as a designer!)