How-to Avoid a DIY Plumbing Disaster

April 22nd, 2014

More and more people are turning to DIY home repairs in the hope of saving a dollar or two. In many cases, doing your own repairs is not difficult and can indeed save you a considerable amount of money. However DIY repairs can cause accidents that may not only compromise your safety but also cause damage to your property. It is thus prudent to balance the cost of getting professional help with the potential cost of accidents, emergencies and repairs that may be necessitated by a botched DIY job.

DIY Plumbing

Image Credit: Author

Plumbing is one area in which a mistake can be disastrous as the potential for property damage is immense, no matter what kind of home you live in. So, if you’re thinking of attempting some DIY plumbing, here are some rules that can help you to avoid disaster. (more…)

DesignMine Monday: Pool Time

April 21st, 2014

When it comes to spending time at the pool, some prefer solitude while others focus on music, toys and friends. Regardless of how you like to spend your time these pools from DesignMine’s gallery will get you wanting a pool to fit your needs ASAP.

Traditional Pool

Image Credit: Allstate Pools & Spas, Spring, TX


The Five Elements In Your Outdoor Living Space This Spring

April 19th, 2014

When planning any home improvement project, and then being happy once a project is done, achieving a certain amount of balance in our homes is often the deciding factor in how we feel about our spaces for years afterward. This is because as we balance the elements in our spaces outwardly and that very often leads to greater balance inwardly, too.

Outdoor space

Image Credit: O R Landscaping, Inc.

This isn’t just some lofty spiritual idea. There is practical real world value to be found in how you feel in your space once you’ve completed a project. So, with that in mind, what’s a good way to achieve this balance when you’re planning to re-invent an outdoor space?

Let’s take a look at the Five Elements as they are represented in Japanese philosophy, and how using those elements in your outdoor space can help you create a sense of well-being while you’re in it. (more…)