Mario Y. Peshev

Mario Y. Peshev


WordPress Consultant and DevriX lead, WordPress Ambassador . Open Sourcerer, Backend Developer, Nerd, Community Contributor, Cofficer.

UTC+2 ·


  1. مُعاد تغريدها بواسطة
  2. I was a great fan of Echofon and single-column non-browser tools, but it's pretty massive for a few accounts, lists, schedule etc.

  3. Sounds massive RT : Breaking: Jetpack Releases Critical Security Update, Immediate Action Required

  4. مُعاد تغريدها بواسطة

    focus on performance, security and support. But I personally love their git and staging environment.

  5. Testing a MarketPress WPMU instance with another browser got a mp_globalcart* cookie attached with another order. That doesn't seem right.

  6. مُعاد تغريدها بواسطة

    Rock, paper, scissors, lizard and spock - the best explanation

  7. Changed the DNS of a domain before a demo tomorrow, and they seem to switch between both hosts. /etc/hosts will patch it for my talk.

  8. I'm no longer keeping track of my own blogs. Not sure how many I have after setting up another one yesterday.

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