S MyBuilder Blog

The other day I was having a conversation with a couple of my friends who are carpenters. They work as subcontractors and I was trying to convince them to start doing private work. Some of their reluctance to take the plunge was around financial risk, but they also found homeowners frustrating to work for.

They told some amazing stories of bad workmanship by other trades and how the customers just stuck with these guys as they did more and more rubbish work, simply because they were nice, or good bullshitters. It was clear that they worried that the quality of their work wouldn’t speak for itself in the eyes of homeowners.

They told me about the plumber whose shoddy workmanship caused a leak that made the ceiling fall in. He blamed a faulty pipe and then had the nerve to charge the client to fix it. My friends suggested that the client get a new plumber, but the angry response was that the plumber was a nice guy and they should mind their own business.

Ceiling ruined by bad plumbing

Then there was the story of the idiots who installed a washing machine at one of their kitchen fitting jobs. They neglected to take out the transportation bolts that fix the drum in place. And then they didn’t have a hole cutter big enough for the waste water hose, so they cut a smaller hole and heat shrunk the hose to fit. The resulting flood ruined the kitchen and the new floor, which my friends were called in to fix.

And then there were the shocking pictures of a skirting board being painted so badly that it made me want to cry. There was white paint all over the brand new dark hardwood floor they installed. I just can’t fathom this sort of vandalism.

These stories are so frustrating, you can see why some tradesmen want to avoid this crazy world and simply get on with their work.

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But we have to take the world as it is and for better or for worse, homeowners can be manipulated by unscrupulous tradesmen. It’s difficult to tell the good from the bad when you’re not in the trade. What this means for good tradesmen is that being good at your trade is just not good enough. You also need to master the ‘soft’ people skills that are required as a part of your job. It’s not easy to understand people. But boy will it help you succeed in life.

We have very similar challenges at MyBuilder, in fact. We have to balance tech prowess with good marketing and solid customer service. Some people take the attitude that as long as we have the best website, that’s all that matters. Others think that the website isn’t important as long as it works – all you need to succeed is good marketing. Yet others think that it’s all about customer service and sales. The truth is that you need all of these things to be successful.

For tradesmen, it’s the same. You need to be good at your trade (technical), you need to convince clients that you’re good at your trade (marketing), and you need to be responsive, communicative, and likeable (customer service).

Few tradesmen have all three of these nailed. Those who do are easy to spot. They’re the ones getting all the work on MyBuilder.com.

The 2013 Hero Project has been up and running for 2½ weeks and so far 338 tradesmen have pledged their support. This really shows how generous MyBuilder tradesmen are, and how they can make such a difference to people’s lives.

80 hero jobs have been posted so far, and entries will continue to be open until midnight on Sunday, December 15th. All homeowners have to do is post their story with a picture, explaining what they want done and why they deserve a hero like you.

Brooke Cornwell’s story and video

In the course of this year’s project we have come across lots of touching stories, which make us glad that we started the Hero Project and proud of our tradesmen – but there is one particular story that we want to share because this family have been through so much.


Eight years ago Amber’s daughter, Brooke, was born with a potentially fatal form of anaemia. Every day has been a battle to keep her alive and give her a normal life.

Brooke has a sister, Felicity. Managing two children can be hard enough but when one is sick, it is even tougher. Her Mum and Dad, Amber and Nick, have had to work all hours to keep the family going. Often Amber would do a night shift at a bakery, sleep for a couple of hours and then get up to take Brooke for one of her regular blood transfusions.

Recently the family suffered a huge blow. Doctors told them that Brooke needed a bone marrow transplant as soon as possible, so in January she goes into hospital for the complicated and, at times, unpleasant treatment. Before she can come home, the house has to be stripped – carpets and all – and sterilised to avoid risk of infection. Brooke’s much loved dog, Rosebud, will have to go to live with Grandma.

Sorting the house little by little

When you are as stretched as the Cornwell family, the first thing to go is the house. It’s something we see all the time on MyBuilder. You don’t have the time or the energy for repairs or renovations when you are coping with financial or emotional upheavals – but sorting the house will be a matter of life and death for Brooke so it will have to be done.

Luckily Grandma Christine is a practical and positive sort. She believes in breaking problems down into small pieces that can solved bit by bit. Amber’s power shower hadn’t worked for ages so when she spotted the Hero project on our site, she took the initiative and posted a job. A few days later, plumber James of Rothwell James turned up on Amber’s doorstep, ready to help. He donated two days to the family and for the first time in 2½ years Brooke can take a shower.

A MyBuilder Santa, yesterday.As the counter ticks away on our 2013 Hero Project site and the number of volunteers goes up, it confirms something we’ve always known: that tradesmen really do make the best Santas.


The world is divided into those that make and those that don’t – and the makers have the edge in the ‘giving’ market. How much better is it to get a present that’s been homemade and to a high standard? It costs less, it’s bespoke and it’s often far better quality than anything you could buy off the shelf.

My Dad carved me a pair of mahogany stilts when was I eight and while other presents came and went – even the stilts themselves have been long-lost – that present has stuck in my memory. Beautiful, practical and made with enormous amount of thought, love and care.

So that’s where our tradesmen have the edge. They have a skill they can share to make other people happy and their lives a bit better. How many of us can drive around any town or city in the UK and point out what we have done for the people living there? Builders can.

I’m not denigrating charity fun runs or fundraising at local fêtes as acts of charity. They have their place – but when a tradesman wants to help someone out, well, all he or she has to do is pick up his or her tools and go. No organising committee. No months of preparation. Just a lifetime’s learned skills, a good deal of nous and a person in need.
a row of Christmassy housesThere’s something else that makes the tradesman special and that’s the fact that his workspace is right in the centre of your life: he or she doesn’t just magically pop in and out like Santa down the chimney. The tradesman is there, in amongst the mess and muddle of family life, by your ‘hearth’. When your teenage daughter throws a hissy fit, or your husband is berating you over lost car keys, the tradesman won’t show it but he’ll have heard it – and he’s the soul of discretion. But when we asked if MyBuilder tradesmen could help out needy homeowners, the answer was loud and clear. This year’s Hero Project only went live at at 6pm yesterday and in less than 24 hours we’ve arranged over £4,000 worth of building work that will go a long way to making things better for people struggling this Christmas. So if you know someone in need or you’re a big-hearted tradesman who wants to volunteer, join the 2013 Hero Project now and help show everyone what we already know here – that tradesmen really are the best kind of Santa!


Following Tuesday’s announcement that a phased reduction of Building and Planning Regulations is underway as part of the government’s Red Tape Challenge, I breathed a small sigh of relief.

I have had enough close encounters with Building Regulations to make me wary of them – and like me, there are few homeowners or sole traders who can claim to know their way around them…

..but ignorance is no excuse for non-compliance, Gary O’Neill, Chartered Building Surveyor and Lecturer at Coventry University tells us, writing in a recent blog post about Statutory Approvals (in relation to Building Regulations and Planning).

No excuse perhaps but in my view, understandable. Building Regulations run to hundreds of pages and they can be a nightmare for an ordinary homeowner to navigate!

O’Neill points out that “…there is a general lack of awareness (amongst members of the public), sometimes complete ignorance of which statutory approvals (permissions) may apply to any works they are proposing to undertake.”

With serious implications for failure to comply, there is a burden of responsibility that property owners cannot afford to ignore. With such high stakes, you would imagine a robust framework exists to help property owners meet their responsibilities. You should be so lucky!

There are several ways to ensure works comply with Building Regulations: have local Building Control or a private sector Approved Inspector sign off the works, or have work carried out by a tradesman who belongs to one of the Competent Person schemes – organisations authorised to self-certify and notify low-risk work to Local Authority Building Control.

O’Neill points out that many Local Authority websites provide good levels of information and guidance. In my opinion, Local Authority websites at best offer a short list of FAQs peppered with links to the Planning Portal – but all too often, useful content is given over to veiled threats about what might happen should you fail to comply. Solihull Council adopt a positively hostile approach on their website:

“We do not fulfil the role of a ‘Clerk of Works’ as is often assumed, quite inappropriately and furthermore, have no responsibility for dealing with poor workmanship and issues of quality, unless they impact on compliance with building standards.”

My personal experience of working with Local Authority Building Control reflects this standoffish attitude. When I refurbished my house, I submitted a building notice because I planned to replace a window and the builder did not employ a FENSA installer. Building Control wrote to me, explaining that the window should meet current energy efficiency standards and use toughened glass. The timber frame and glazing units were supplied by a reputable company who manufactured all of their products to meet Building Regulations standards (it would be crazy not to). The Building Control officer agreed that the windows appeared to be well made but wanted to see proof that the windows were compliant. Building work resumed a week later after suitable written evidence had been gathered.

Now, Local Authorities are legally obliged to provide a building control service under the Building Act, whereas Approved Inspectors are engaged in a commercial contract with their clients. Both organisations are obliged to ensure works are compliant with Regulations. The key difference is motivation. In my case, an Approved Inspector would have possessed or had access to meters capable of confirming that the glazing was toughened and had a Low-E coating to meet energy efficiency regulations.

The Building Regulation Matrix

The Building Regulations themselves comprise fourteen highly technical documents. Even the Planning Portal cautions casual visitors, for which read ordinary homeowners, who happen upon their section regarding Building Regulations:

“This part of the Portal contains information aimed at users with a degree of familiarity with the Building Regulations and the Building Control system.”

The Planning Portal actually does a much better job of explaining the ins and outs of the planning process. As do many Local Authority websites and their staff, who are able to offer better planning guidance and support to the general public. By contrast, Building Control are the clip-board wielding administrators. Often unwilling or unable to advise, yet quick to point to the rule book when a violation is suspected.

Even after providing the documentation I was asked for, my Building Control Officer then insisted that trickle vents should be installed in the windows to meet ventilation requirements. I had to point out that the window was situated in a through-sitting room with two open fireplaces, two doors, a large draughty bay sash window and floorboards with gaps in them. My challenge would be keeping my fuel bills down in winter, not adding more ventilation. His response was that fireplaces are designated as flues and are not considered ventilation.

It’s been an eductaion and you can be sure that next time I won’t go it alone. I’ll use a tradesman registered with one of the Competent Person Schemes or I’ll go private and use an Approved Inspector. It will be less of a headache, which is more than I can say for my current encounter with Local Building Control. I have yet to receive my completion certificate from Building Control but I have high hopes for 2014!


With the long-range weather forecast predicting a cold November and possible snow, we’ve come up with a checklist of DOs and DON’Ts in preparation for the winter weather, including tips from some of our expert tradesmen.


DO review your fuel options

MyBuilder tradesman Tom Paterson, of Paterson Heating and Plumbing Services in the West Midlands, has started to heat his house with solid fuel (wood) due to the escalating cost of natural gas, although he still uses gas for cooking and hot water. He’s not the only one switching over from gas either, with many of his customers turning to solid fuel to keep their homes warm and costs down. We’d be interested to hear from other people who have done the same.

DON’T keep turning on the heating

Turning off the heating during the day is a commonly used tactic to save on the gas bill. The suprising bit is that it doesn’t always work. When you let your home get cold during the day, your boiler has to work extremely hard to get it back up to a comfortable temperature, and may end up over compensating and using up the same amount of energy that you saved during the day. And don’t underestimate the tendency of family members to get frustrated with the cold house and crank up the heating when it suits them. You might be better off keeping the thermostat at 17-19 degrees and maintaining a warm house throughout the whole day. To find out whether this works best for your home, it’s easy to run a test and measure usage.


DO get your roof checked

To avoid winter leaks, get an expert to check for broken, missing or slipped tiles. According to Garry Connor, an experienced roofer based in Cheshire, one of the most common sources of winter leaks are ridge tiles that have come apart, allowing water to seep into the roof line. Another key place a specialist will look at is the flashing round the chimney stack, as it can lift up or tear and expose the joint to the elements.

DON’T go clambering on your roof

Roofers use specialist equipment including purpose-built ladders, scaffolding and cherry pickers. Given that you can’t do a proper roof inspection from the ground, it is more sensible and safer to let the experts (who are insured and trained) get up there and give you their informed opinion.



DO buy wood from a reputable seller

With gas prices on the rise and woodburners making a big comeback, there’s plenty of opportunity for unscrupulous log sellers to try and offload poor quality fuel. Get a moisture meter (you should be able to pick one up for less than £20) and check the moisture content in your logs before you use them – if it’s over 20% you need to leave them to dry out. A bona fide log supplier will only sell properly seasoned wood.

DON’T burn unseasoned or damp wood

Chimney and fireplace specialist Courtney Gibbs warns that burning damp wood can create a tar that sticks to the flue, potentially causing a blockage and putting you at risk of a chimney fire. If the window on your wood burner turns black, the chances are that your wood is too wet or you have a problem with your flue.


DO clear your drains

Make sure there are no leaves or debris clogging up your drains, guttering and down-pipes advises Dean Webster of South East Timber and Damp. It’s important to get water away from your property because if it hangs around, you risk developing a problem with damp.

DON’T overlook your brickwork

Pointing should be checked for cracks where water could seep in. Keep an eye out for signs of spalling on your brickwork. Spalling occurs when moisture has got into the brick and the freezing and thawing process causes it to flake.


DO insulate exposed pipework and tanks in lofts

Berkshire-based plumber Kevin Parsons was brought up in Edmonton, Canada where temperatures can fall as low as minus 25 degrees. He knows the importance of insulating all pipework; back home in Canada electrically charged lagging is used to counteract freezing temperatures. It is now available in the UK but foam insulation lagging wrap is more generally used, and is highly effective as long as joints and corners are well covered.

DON’T ignore that dripping tap

Changes in temperature cause pipes to expand and contract, and joints can become loose. However, leaky pipes may not be immediately visible or accessible so keep an eye out for evidence of watermarks on walls and ceilings and act quickly if you spot anything. Something as simple as a dripping tap could be the sign of something more severe!

One man's junk is another man's treasure

So you’re looking into getting some work done on your home. It’s only a small job; taking out that fitted wardrobe that you regretted putting in last summer; repointing that old wall out the front that’s seen better days. But when the job is done and everyone’s happy, have you thought about how to get rid of waste material afterwards?

With the rise in fly tipping in the past several years, we would chance a guess that the answer is ‘no’.

Many tradesmen whose work produces waste will carry a waste carrier’s licence, and with registration fees for second tier licenses costing as little as £154 for 3 years (and first tier licences being free), this is a small price to pay to avoid finding yourself in a tight spot. Not having the correct licence is a costly business, with fines reaching £50,000 or even imprisonment! But there are always those willing to chance it. According to the Environment Agency nearly 2,800 prosecutions were made in 2010/2011 for fly tipping.

Tradesmen know the risk they take if they are not properly licenced, but the size of their business may not justify paying out for a waste carrier’s licence. What many homeowners may be unaware of is the fact that it’s not the tradesman who is responsible for any waste made at a property where they have carried out work – it’s you! The sole responsibility for the removal of the waste falls to the owner of the property.

Now, don’t let this put you off having smaller jobs done by a tradesman who does not have a waste carrier’s license. There are plenty of ways  you or your tradesman can dispose of waste and avoid being at risk of breaking the law. For one, you can register your property with the local authority, which allows the tradesman to remove the waste from your site as long as the final location of the waste is also a registered dumping ground.

Then there’s the D.I.Y option! If you own a vehicle big enough to carry the waste then an easy, and inexpensive way of clearing the debris would be to dispose of it yourself. By doing this, the amount of materials you dispose of in one go does not have as many limitations as it would if you left it to your tradesman. Contact your local council, they will point you in the direction of the dump nearest to your home.

Finally, given the rise in demand for furniture with ‘character’ and DIY home decoration, re-using old materials has become popular and it’s amazing what goes. With recycling websites like Gumtree, Freecycle and even their more practical sister Recipro on the up, you’ll be amazed at some of the stuff that gets picked up – as they say, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure! So before you consider taking that lump of wood or those unwanted bricks to the dump, why not advertise them on one of these sites and get rid of your waste by giving it a new lease of life…

For more information on waste disposal, head to the Environment Agency website: http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk