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  • Yoav 9:06 pm on December 29, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: development, trunk, vvv   

    I was looking for a quick way to setup GlotPress under Varying Vagrants Vagrant, and since I couldn’t find anything, I created vvv-glotpress. Use this to quickly get GlotPress trunk running under VVV.

  • cfoellmann 9:13 am on December 10, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: homepage, site   

    Proper Landing/Home Page 

    We need a proper landing page for the GlotPress project!
    Something simple, approachable to appeal to the visitor. A P2 is somewhat repelling for most users or casual visitors.
    It is a big problem for open source projects to present itself to the public in an appealing way. I am thinking of a simple one-pager with some headlines, screenshots and feature listing.
    We should also provide tagged, downloadable zip files with short install instructions.

    What do you think?

    • Marko Heijnen 2:42 pm on December 10, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      That is something on my roadmap. I thought I blogged about that but I was wrong on that. I did mention on my own site that I want to have a downloadable zip file but we aren’t on that state yet. GlotPress first need to have some major improvements before I’m happy to have a downloadable zip file.

      But if we have that then sure we need a real site on

    • Xavier 3:24 pm on December 10, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Couldn’t agree more. I always was surprised to see the root of this domain redirects to the project’s P2.

    • tn 5:15 pm on December 18, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      yep, landed here from another site to know something on this project but it’s not really simple… also the trac’s not so useful, since the wiki is completely blank… i’m a programmer, but not so willing to read all the source code to know what it does…

  • Marko Heijnen 3:16 am on December 7, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , redesign   

    Redesign of GlotPress 

    It came to my mind that to get things further we might first need to make a redesign. So the plan is to work on that in January. The focus then is to make GlotPress a better collaborative place since that is the thing what it lacks now.

    The most important thing is that we need to use user data to build the UI. So knowing which language the user translates for and which projects he likes. Having localization pages is one of the tasks that need to be done. I already blogged about it and Hugo Baeta already expressed his thoughts in 2011. He had some really good points there and after two years I guess we finally can work on those.

    The idea is to make an plan on what pages are needed and what functionality should be provided. It should end up being a roadmap for the next year. When that is done and I got feedback on it, I will start working on the UI. I’m not a designer and I do need your help on this.

    From there I can create tickets and build on the features. It’s not something that will be done in a few months but doing things step by step makes it really good to get feedback from the community and in the end to have a great product we all love and use.

    Related posts:

    • Xavier 3:26 pm on December 10, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Thank you for doing this, Marko. Not a designer myself, but I appreciate the work you are doing on GP.

    • Khalil Delavaran 12:49 pm on December 13, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Thank you for doing thiss, Marko.
      Can you put supporting of pl file in the glotpress?

  • Marko Heijnen 6:34 pm on November 22, 2013 Permalink | Reply

    Since the last update nothing special happend outside our first IRL meetup. Changes since the last time are:

    • Setting the correct last PO-Revision-Data instead of the current time
    • Unit tests are fixed
    • Changed Uzbek to LTR
    • Added word-break & word-wrap to the translation table
    • Added wp_locale to Tibetan and Khmer
    • Added locales: Australian English and Spanish (Argentina)
    • Synced POMO library and made it GlotPress independent
    • Only load PHP files in the plugin folder
    • Always return JSON data when using the API

    From next week I will start working more heavily on GlotPress and trying to tackle the WordCamp Europe results. This also means that running GlotPress in trunk will not be recommended for a while due some changes that need to be made. Nothing should break but it’s something you never know.

  • Marko Heijnen 12:43 pm on October 7, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    WordCamp Europe results 

    At WordCamp Europe we had our meetup on sunday and I talked about my plans for this year and we talked about the current issues for validators and translators and builded a list from that. The following list is the issues that were mentioned and hopefully we can fix most of it this year. Some of the issues is harder to fix because I think we need a complete new UI to be able to fix it.

    • Better installation process
    • Delete project
    • Suggestion list
    • Find strings only in the translations
    • Notifications on translations
    • User related view of your worked on projects
    • Create a user dashboard
    • Comments about the translations
    • Dictionary
    • List of translators/validators
    • Group translated strings by original
    • Multiple levels of warnings
    • On upload file only change the name of all changed strings
    • Mattias Tengblad 4:25 pm on October 7, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Sounds like good points.

      I still would like to see GlotPress as a plugin ;) Did you start something like that Marko?

    • coachbirgit 8:44 pm on October 7, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Question: what is meant with “Suggestion list” in detail? Can translators without validations rights filter out, wich string they already gave an suggestion and can they pull back somehow?

      • Marko Heijnen 9:29 pm on October 7, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        To be honest I’m not sure really. It can be that I just copy/paste something wrong since I can’t remember who said it.

    • coachbirgit 9:41 pm on October 7, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I don´t know, if user can see, wich string they have already suggested. But I found sometimes more than 4 suggestions of the same string translated from same translator.

      • Pixolin 9:55 pm on October 7, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        Heh, yes that was me I assume? Looked in the wrong line for some translation, then tried to fix it as I saw my mistake, but I couldn’t delete my own stuff.
        It’s not really a big issue as you only need to validate the right version (ha! You have to find that out yourself!), yet the translator (me) looks even more like a fool. So, having capability to delete your own stuff would be a nice feature, yet isn’t essential for the translation process.

    • Torsten 8:49 am on October 8, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      It would be great to have a flag (just a little visual helper) that shows me, that a waiting string has a history of translations and wasn’t untranslated before. It’s important, because we have to check now with three clicks, this is very time consuming and frustrating … (I told Marko afterwards, so it wasn’t written in his Textfile…)

    • Torsten 9:23 am on October 8, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      For some of the tasks there are already Tickets in the trac, I try to summarize them here:

      Find strings only in the translations

      Suggestion list / Dictionary (Related strings)

      Comments about the translations

      Create a user dashboard

      User related view of your worked on projects

      Locale related view

      Notifications on translations

      If I am missed one, please add here! Thx.

    • Xavier 10:14 am on October 18, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I was at the WCEU meeting, but didn’t get to give my suggestion, which was: admins having a hand at final credits. Would that be possible?

      • Marko Heijnen 10:17 am on October 18, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        I guess you mean on the about page of WordPress? This isn’t something that happens in GlotPress.

        • Xavier 11:28 am on October 18, 2013 Permalink

          Alright, so I guess that happens on the local site’s package-making tool, then. Thanks!

  • Marko Heijnen 8:57 am on August 20, 2013 Permalink | Reply

    WordCamp Europe meeting 

    In a few weeks WordCamp Europe will have it first edition and I would love to have a short meeting over there with people who are interested to join. To bad I couldn’t speak about it but within this meeting I would love to express my vision on the project and see what your opinion is. Maybe we can work together on your idea and make it happen.

    I’m not sure yet when it will be planned. It depends on the schedule but it will most likely be lunch on saturday or sunday. But would love to have this as a start point to see what you guys think and if you are interested.

    • Milan Dinić 12:08 pm on August 20, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I’m in!

    • David Decker 7:46 pm on August 20, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Will be there, thanks, Marko!

    • Siobhan 12:31 pm on August 22, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      This is a great idea. Can I help you to find a space for this? We can also promote it on the WCEU website and twitter account. Would you like to have it during the main conference or on the Contributor Day?

      • Marko Heijnen 12:34 pm on August 22, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        Most likely during the conference due the fact that some people will not join the contributor day.
        I guess having this during lunch can be fine but I have no clue how long lunch will take and how many people would love to join

        • Siobhan 12:38 pm on August 22, 2013 Permalink

          Lunch will be about an hour. We could do it in one one of the main lecture rooms. Some of the guys are visiting the venue today so I’ll find out from them.

          It would be helpful to get an idea of numbers beforehand. Maybe we could announce it on the wceu blog and here and run a polldaddy to get people to say if they are attending?

        • Marko Heijnen 12:41 pm on August 22, 2013 Permalink

          That would be great to do.

        • wceurope 11:02 am on August 27, 2013 Permalink

          Added here:

          Once we get an idea of how many people will be there we can organise a space.

  • Marko Heijnen 8:51 am on August 20, 2013 Permalink | Reply

    The last 2 months not a lot of stuff happened. All the changes are now on The focus is still more and less the same.


    • Google translator does work again as a plugin. So by default you don’t
    • Better Android support. Now all strings should be translatable
    • Added actions when finished with importing originals and translations
    • Fix some other minor issues and reverted some changes
  • Marko Heijnen 11:14 am on June 26, 2013 Permalink | Reply

    Since the last update there are quite some nice changes. Probably the biggest is a new filter that allows you to create a “child theme” with a plugin. Because of that has the same header/footer as Also it has a link to the blog/Polyglots and the translator handbook.


    • Finally fix caching bug when using Memcache including small improvement when importing strings
    • Improved project view. It’s now always 100% wide
    • Reverted code for changing the po/mo file names on export
    • Fix typos in locales.php
    • Added a new filter “tmpl_load_locations”. Now you can add your own template folder. Thanks to Nacin.
    • Moved project actions outside the template and added a filter “gp_project_actions”
    • Fix notice when importing new strings
    • Fix all kinds of strict PHP warnings. See #220
    • First small change to improve accessibility.

    The next weeks I will concentrate on cleaning up milestone 1.0. Fixing some irritating bugs or moving it to milestone 1.1. Even if we don’t have versions it does help out to structure the flow.

    • Improve dealing with strings. Adding ability to import fuzzy strings (#138) and be able to mark a string as “waiting” (#84)
    • Ability to copy projects (#65) and copy translations between translations sets (#66)
    • Ability to check the same strings in of a language in main projects and it’s sub projects
    • Move Google translator out of core into the plugins folder (#170 and #133)
    • Add Microsoft translator (#103)
    • Records validator when importing (#217)
    • Improve check for empty translations (#149)
    • Improve/checking deleting of projects, translation sets and suggested translations (#186 and #223)
    • More accessibility improvements.
    • Remove “default” slug from a translations set (#67)

    Lots of things that need to be done and the target is that everything should be fixed before WordCamp San Francisco. The main problem will probably creating unit tests

    • André Crevilaro 3:56 pm on June 26, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Great job guys!

    • mercime 7:44 pm on June 26, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Two thumbs up. Thank you.

    • Robert 8:59 pm on June 26, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Thanks a lot for your effort!

    • cfoellmann 8:04 am on June 27, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I really appreciate your efforts for GlotPress!!
      Good work.

    • Juan Ramon 8:34 am on July 1, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Great job!! Definitely I have to update my GlotPress and create a child theme :)

    • Robert 4:19 pm on August 15, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Is there an easy way to add a “last modified” column to the overview table? would make it much easier for me to manage my translations & changelog (only adding modified translations for example).

      • Marko Heijnen 6:46 pm on August 15, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        There is a way to request it code but to me it doesn’t make sense to add it to the overview page. In general that information isn’t important. I think the issue what you have isn’t going to be solved with that. I guess a better export method should be better.

  • aidajones 10:29 pm on May 29, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Hi Everyone,

    I’d like to get involved and help with Brazilian Portuguese translations. What’s the best way to get started? Can I add to the translations that are marked as ‘Waiting’? Or should I work only on ‘Untranslated (random)’?


    • aidajones 2:49 pm on May 31, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I’ve started working on a the Untranslated (random) and some of the Waiting – it’s fun and I can see myself enjoying this way too much!

      • Marko Heijnen 7:55 pm on May 31, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        You should mention this on and not here. This blog is for the development of the site.

        • aidajones 8:30 pm on May 31, 2013 Permalink

          Hi Marko, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

        • Marko Heijnen 8:37 pm on May 31, 2013 Permalink

          The issue of that it wasn’t clear has been solve by changing the header/footer to the one. Also on you will see a link to Polyglots with the name “Blog”.

  • 4:26 pm on May 19, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    I think we need to give Marko a hand, or at least some recognition of the huge amount of work that’s being done. It would probably increase participation if we had a chat and then a post on the main WP news sites about GP’s intended future. If so, when/where can we talk?

    • Marko Heijnen 11:01 pm on May 19, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      We tried it to do on thursday at 20:00 GMT but failed to make it a regular one. I’m all up to try again and see how we can find a way to make the development to GlotPress more continues.

      • 12:21 am on May 20, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        Making it regular might not be necessary, at this point, but we should certainly try to schedule one soon, if everyone’s up for it.

      • cfoellmann 10:53 am on May 20, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        Just set a date and I will try hard to make it.

    • cfoellmann 10:58 am on May 20, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I am repeating myself, again:
      I hate the standalone approach!!!
      A plugin would use all the features available through other plugins.

      But… Just ignore me. I am in rumbling mode.

    • Vinicius Massuchetto 2:39 am on May 21, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Hey! I tried to help at the very beginning but unfortunately it didn’t work for so long. I would be glad to participate in a next meeting.

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