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ProGuide Blog

PROGUIDE: Red Wings win 9-1. There’s a story here…

This is something I wrote up a couple years ago and re-tell when I speak to groups of remodelers:

I got home from church choir recently and was clicking through the channels when I caught the end of the Detroit Red Wings hockey game. The score was Red Wings, 9 and Blue Jackets, 1.What a victory for the Red Wings!

Red Wings win. There's a story here...

Image Source:

Now, you may be asking yourself “That’s great Kyle, but what does this have to do with my remodeling business?” (more…)

PROGUIDE: What ACTION are you going to take today?

“Nothing happens until something/someone moves forward.” ~ Albert Einstein

Take Action!

Image Source: Kyle Hunt

A forward, purpose-driven action the key to achieving what you want and you don’t need to be a genius like Einstein to do this!


PROGUIDE: Where is the WOW?

My family and I were out to dinner recently with some friends who just moved into a new home. You probably heard the story before; The home was foreclosed on, had been sitting there for 12+ months and the previous owner left a bit of mess for them to clean up.

From our conversation I learned that they have had over a dozen different contractors in their home over the last month which included heating & cooling, plumbing, tile, landscaping, security, roofing, and so forth.

PG wow

Being a marketer I had to ask them:“With all of the contractors you have had in the home, share with me the things that really stood out to you – did they do anything that surprised you (in a good way)? Anyone go above and beyond? What were you most impressed with?” (more…)