Superhero’s Guide to Fixing Bathroom Leaks

November 3rd, 2013

Homeowners into superheros all over the globe! People emerge from bathrooms all over the planet, plungers in hand like Poseidon’s trident, claiming victory over menacing drain pipes and leaky seals. Alas, your hero powers are limited, and you can do only so much before it’s time to call a plumber. The trick is to know when to step away so you don’t end up paying additional costs to fix your mistakes.

toilet (more…)

3 DIY Inspections Before Decorating Your Home

November 2nd, 2013

Whether you’ve recently purchased a home or have renovated your current one, before beginning the decorating process, it’s crucial to have a look through the entire home. The perfect time to conduct a home inspection is when your house is clear of furniture. You may be eager to unpack and decorate your home, however you’ll need to hold off until your house has been inspected. You want to avoid any disasters before you begin setting up your home, or you may encounter a problem before it’s too late.

DIY test

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Here are 3 DIY inspections to do before decorating your home: (more…)

Go Green with your Garage Extension

November 1st, 2013

If you’re thinking of adding value or much needed space to your home, then you might be considering adding a garage extension.  But have you considered what impact your extension will have on the environment?  Going green when building your extension and making eco-friendly construction choices is important not only for the environment, but also for the energy efficiency rating of your home, so why not choose a material that provides a green alternative?

Garage extension

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