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ProGuide Blog

PROGUIDE: How To Make Your Business Stand Out

If you look the same, talk the same and act the same as all of your competitors how would a homeowner choose between you and your competitor?

Stand Out

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The answer? PRICE. (more…)

PROGUIDE- Who’s on your “Done Proposal For, But Haven’t Signed” List?

I was meeting with a remodeler a few weeks back – it was the first time I met him.

The plan was to check his marketing strategy. We reviewed his marketing materials which included; referral programs, email marketing, advertising, networking, staying-in-touch with previous clients.

Then we got into his sales process and closing deals with prospective clients… It was then that the meeting came to an abrupt halt.


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PROGUIDE: Your Most Valuable Marketing Asset

When I talk and work with Remodelers – nearly 100% of the time, I find out that a good portion of their business comes from repeat clients.


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However, the majority of the marketing/advertising dollars they are spending are going towards looking for new clients… (more…)