Summer Home Maintenance Tips

August 7th, 2013

While we love the way we can decorate our home inside and out for the summer months, we must also keep in mind that the sun and heat affects it in negative ways. Finding ways to keep your house in tip-top shape is important and also helps with preparations for the fall and winter months as well.

Summer Home Maintenance

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A Guide to Choosing a Fire Alarm System for Your Home

August 3rd, 2013

Having a safe and reliable fire alarm system in your home is one of the most important responsibilities a home owner has. There are many different types of fire alarms on the market right now; this article offers some help on choosing a fire alarm system for your home.


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You may not realize it but one fire alarm is not sufficient to protect your whole house. Fire services recommend that you should have an alarm for every level of your home. (more…)