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  • Marko Heijnen 1:39 pm on March 12, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: bug hunt,   

    So yesterday I added the missing footer bar to the profile page and added a locale. Also did look at all tickets on 1.0 milestone. Closing a few that worked for me and added some comments to tickets.

    There are still a lot tickets with patches and I hope we can reduce that this month. But to be able to do that we do need people testing patches and commenting on the tickets. So I’m curious who can make some time free for this. Also I have to mention that there are some tickets what do UI like profile pages. So you don’t have to be a developer to help out.

    All tickets with patches for milestone 1.0

  • Marko Heijnen 1:24 am on March 8, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    A few hours ago we had our first regular meetup of this year. With the amount of five people it shows how dead this blog and project really is. It’s quite disappointed to see because it’s quite an awesome project.

    First thing we talked was the current progress of the WordPress plugin. 4 weeks ago we talked about getting a proof of concept done in two weeks. It’s hard to say if the current codebase has been proofed or not. I guess it does and we will be working on it at least for this month.

    So with the current code base you the user can do all it’s own actions: registering for an account, login and updating their profile. The project pages has some work done but still needs a week work and most likely lots of rewriting. The code can be viewed at

    Second point we talked about the UI. More then a year ago Hugo Baeta wrote a post about it: We talked really short about it and the result was that Cátia and Christian (cfoellmann) will be working on some mockups in how we can improve the current UI and when that is done discuss it.

    The logs can be find here:

    Also a note that we didn’t talked about a bug scrub since there wasn’t really someone around. I guess you just post here if you have a ticket you would love to have attention.

    • Hugo Baeta 1:37 am on March 8, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Let me know if I can be of assistance with the UI/UX ;)

      • Cátia Kitahara 12:02 am on March 10, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        Sure, Hugo, thanks. I think we should take into consideration this:

        • Hugo Baeta 5:15 am on March 14, 2013 Permalink

          I tried to install Marko’s plugin, but I don’t see anything after activation. Maybe it’s because I’m testing this on a MS network site on my dev server… but, anyway, in what sense does MP6 influence GlotPress?

        • Marko Heijnen 9:36 am on March 14, 2013 Permalink

          You will see the in your themes a GlotPress theme. Also the plugin doesn’t yet work stand alone. Currently running it next to a GlotPress installation and mapping the right tables to that one. Also design is still the same one.

        • Cátia Kitahara 1:42 pm on March 14, 2013 Permalink

          Hi Hugo, I meant the new WP admin interface, not the plugin itself. If we aim to make GlotPress interface look like WP’s and it’s going to change, we surely need to know how it’ll look like. Makes sense now? :)

        • Hugo Baeta 10:04 pm on March 14, 2013 Permalink

          Thanks for the clarifications guys :)

          When I read this was gonna be turned into a plugin my assumption was it would work inside the admin, not as a theme.

          Taking this into account, I’m not sure it should try to mirror the admin. What if it was just like bbPress and worked with any theme? Maybe I’m adding too much confusion to this discussion, feel free to tell me to shut up :P

        • Cátia Kitahara 1:30 pm on March 15, 2013 Permalink

          You are welcome to give your insights and opinions. I didn’t have the time yet to do anything at all, don’t know about Christian. I guess what you said makes total sense for the plugin, though I think it needs a default theme and maybe it should mirror the admin. For GlotPress standalone, I’m quite sure it should.
          But let’s keep this discussion going on, I couldn’t come to yesterday’s meeting. Don’t know if it happened, but don’t you wanna come to the next one?

  • Marko Heijnen 6:14 pm on March 1, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: ,   

    So Cátia posted a few weeks about a regular meeting on Thursday 20.00 GMT. Not a lot of response but nevertheless the first one will be on March 7. Hopefully you can make it. Also if someone can put a notice of the meeting in the sidebar I would appreciate that.

    The items that I have on my list are:

    • Status of current plugin development
    • Setting the date/time for a bug scrub on current code base.
    • UI refreshments. What to do to make the current design more workable.

    Curious what other things I missed but need to be covered.

  • Abdul Rauf 6:01 pm on February 26, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    what’s this all about?

    • André Crevilaro 6:54 pm on February 26, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      GlotPress is a collaborative, web-based software translation tool.

      This blog contains development updates and longer descriptions of some of the GlotPress features.

      You can learn more about the project and the development at the GlotPress Trac.

  • Akerbeltz 9:46 pm on February 16, 2013 Permalink | Reply

    I just finished the .po file for “WordPress for Android” in Gaelic. Is there something I need to do to bring this to release or is the process automatic?
    Incidentally, has there been any news on some feature that allows users to set the UI language on their mobile system? There are still loads of languages that WordPress supports which mobile OS don’t support :/

  • Cátia Kitahara 12:52 am on February 8, 2013 Permalink | Reply

    Let’s make tonight’s meeting a regular one? I reckon this would help to keep development on track. I just don’t know if it’s the best time for everyone – Thursdays 20:00 GMT – though it’s a good time for me.

  • Marko Heijnen 12:40 am on February 8, 2013 Permalink | Reply

    Today we discussed the current progress of GlotPress and wether we can port it to a “plugin not plugin” format, which basically means that it is not a regular plugin. There are still lots of concerns if a plugin makes sense to do, because of scaling and what we really gain with it.

    Still, lots of people like the plugin idea and for the next two weeks we will try to make a proof of concept to show that issues like the current routing of urls to views can be solved. This doesn’t mean it will be a workable plugin. This development will taken place on After two weeks we will evaluate the current progress. Current team now is japheth, vinicius, marko, zé and ldebrouwer.

    The issue was raised that a plugin will not help out the current lack of development progress. This is probably still something we need to think more about it. How can we solve the current lack of progress and get more contributors? We probably need to think more about this. Obviously current development will also be looked at, i.e. looking at current op tickets on the 1.0 branch and getting some of the tickets fixed.

    Another issue that was raised is that GlotPress is missing a projectleader. Currently there isn’t a plan how the project’s progress will evaluated, and as mentioned this is something that bothers people. Also a development leadership is missing but this is something that can be done with the help of Nacin and Nikolay, who both know this project really well.


    • 1:29 am on February 8, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Minor edits, thanks for this.

    • cfoellmann 11:21 am on February 8, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I couldn’t make it to the chat but really welcome your plans.
      Thanks for using so we can contribute easily.

      I am no big php programmer but I would love to help with anything around. I think we need to make GlotPress more popular to get more developers and general contributors on board.

      Just tell me what “you” need and I will help where I can.

      This is me:

      • Marko Heijnen 6:54 pm on February 8, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        I did add you to the repo. Most of the group is new to GlotPress so we will see lots of fun in the next couple of weeks. Do you have something on your mind you would love to work on?

        • cfoellmann 8:11 pm on February 8, 2013 Permalink

          I will work on recruiting more contributors and work on some orga stuff. Later I will provide the German translation and help fixing what I can.
          If you like contact me via Trillian-Astra or Skype (same username as on GitHub)

    • Marko Heijnen 5:08 pm on February 9, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Also thinking if we should plan some ticket scrub session for the current code base.

      • Cátia Kitahara 11:43 pm on February 9, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        Yes, I think we should do that, but maybe after you finish the plugin proof of concept?

    • Jan Mulder 5:07 pm on February 11, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I just found this group today out of curiosity. I am curently translating OSClass software using Glotpress. I think this is a software very usefull to translation agencies (like mine). I would like to suggest to publish about Glotpress on, one of the largest translator communities around. I am sure you’ll find a lot of contributors there. Congratulations with this initiative! I’ll drop in regularly to see if I can be of help. (I’m not a programmer, but who knows where I can be usefull).

  • Marko Heijnen 3:00 pm on February 4, 2013 Permalink | Reply

    Hey Guys, I would love to have a meeting about the future of GlotPress and see how it goes from there. What do people think of Thursday 7th at 22pm GMT? I would love to talk about current development, the idea of having it as a plugin and having a regular meeting. Also I would love other things for the agenda.

  • Akerbeltz 11:41 pm on January 31, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: ,   

    Last year was a bit busy and I kinda missed the train on going from 3.4 to 3.5. I’ve just had a shufty in the 3.5 branch and it looks like none of the translations from 3.4 in Scottish Gaelic (gd) got ported from .4 to .5 (for anything, from the main file to the themes and Continents and Cities) – could someone kick that into shape? I assume it’s not ALL new!
    Or do I need to work on the Development bit and it’ll then end up in 3.5?

    • 1:48 pm on February 3, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      (note: this more of a polyglots thing). Yes, branching in Translate WordPress is a bit clunky. Export all .po’s from 3.4 and import those into 3.5, most strings should be covered, but keep in mind that there have been many changes from 3.4 to 3.5, especially help screens and the welcome page.

    • Akerbeltz 2:28 pm on February 3, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Will you be in #polyglotts today at some point?

      • 8:23 pm on February 3, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        I’m afraid I will not today, but I’ll make sure to be there tomorrow.

        • Akerbeltz 12:03 pm on February 6, 2013 Permalink

          Not had much luck – what’s the best room/time to catch you in? Can’t remember your handle either :(

  • Marko Heijnen 1:08 am on January 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , plugin   

    Would it make sense to rewrite GlotPress to be a WordPress plugin? I think so and wouldn’t mind to take the lead in it. I think it would be an hugh improvement to see it as a plugin.

    • Japh 1:11 am on January 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Interesting! If this is possible, I’d love to be involved. Making GlotPress easier to use seems to make sense to me.

    • Ryan McCue 1:30 am on January 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Definitely. It worked wonders for bbPress, and I think it makes more sense now that we have a much better generic object system in WP (post types).

    • Scott Kingsley Clark 1:35 am on January 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      +1 on making it easier and piggy backing WP itself rather than BackPress

    • John Havlik 2:00 am on January 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I would like to see GlotPress become a WordPress plugin. I already use it with a common user database with a WordPress install since it’s easier to manage users there. Additonally, I’ve written a plugin to give me translator and validator roles within WordPress and to grab some statistics from GlotPress, if the data was already there in WordPress (most likely in an easier to parse format) it would be awesome.

    • Luc De Brouwer 6:28 am on January 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Hear, hear. I think it would significantly lower the threshold for and to the i10n part of our community!

    • cfoellmann 8:08 am on January 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      sounds good but I dont think that the development here is flexible enough

      • Marko Heijnen 11:31 am on January 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply

        I don’t see the issue. We can create a branch like BuddyPress did. Also first development can be done on GitHub and then move to SVN.

    • Japh 11:56 am on January 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I left a comment, but apparently it’s “awaiting moderation”.

      Basically, if it’s possible, I’d love to help :)

    • Vinicius Massuchetto 3:21 pm on January 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Seems to be a good point. I’ve been discussing with @catiakitahara some functionalities and workflow that would be great for GlotPress — as we have some good experience (and problems) using it in terms of community. That would imply in a good rewriting job, and doing it as a plugin seems to be easier to integrate with developers and users (easier to install and to develop).

      @markoheijnen, we would like to contribute with some specs before jumping into the development. We can do it next week. Also, I’m ready to help coding and discussing the technical issues.

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