United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Publications

Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides that any person has a right of access to Federal agency records, except to the extent that such records are protected from release by a FOIA exemption or a special law enforcement record exclusion. It is VA's policy to release information to the fullest extent under the law. The VA has a decentralized system for handling FOIA requests. All FOIA requests should be addressed directly to any of the approximately 400 geographically-dispersed components that maintain the records you are seeking.

VA Benefits Records

Submit your request to the FOIA/Privacy Act Officer at the VA Regional Office serving the individual's jurisdiction, or to the FOIA/Privacy Act Officer of the Veterans Benefits Administration, VA Central Office (Compensation and Pension, Loan Guaranty, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, Insurance, and Education.)

If you (or your authorized representative) are requesting copies of VA records pertaining to yourself (i.e., VA claims records, etc.), your request is a Privacy Act request. In accordance with Department of Veterans Affairs policy, all Privacy Act requests must be signed by the requester before we can take appropriate action.

Please scan a copy of your signed request, attach it to your email, and send to the appropriate VA FOIA Service mailbox.

Please DO NOT send personally identifiable information such as social security numbers or claims numbers via unprotected email as it puts your information at risk.

Ready to request benefits records? Find your VBA FOIA contact.

VA Health Records

Submit your request to the Director of the VA medical facility where the individual was last treated or to the FOIA/Privacy Act Officer at Veterans Health Administration, VA Central Office.

Ready to request health records? Find your VHA FOIA contact.

Other Administration Records

If you seek other records that are maintained by the VA, they are most likely maintained by one of the VA Central Offices.

Click here for a listing of our FOIA officers in VA Central Office.

Military Service Records

Records of veterans who are completely discharged (with no remaining reserve commitment), or who are retired or have died, are available at the National Archives and Records Administration, National Personnel Records Center (NPRC).

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