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Link policy for timeanddate.com

Many people have requested to link to web pages on www.timeanddate.com. The general response to this question is that you may link to www.timeanddate.com using normal links (<a href="/...">) as much as you want, so just go ahead and add a link to your favorite pages, which may include personal, organizational or commercial pages.

You may not

Other than these rules (which should not cause any problems for most sites), you are free to link to timeanddate.com as much as you want.

Inclusion of URL addresses in media other than the Internet

You are permitted to publish or include the address of a page on this website in a newspaper, magazine, television or radio program.

It is recommended that you choose to publish the address of one of the main pages with a simple URL, such as http://www.timeanddate.com for the main page, http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ for The World Clock and http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/ for the calendar to make it easier for your readers, viewers or listeners to find the website. However, this is simply a recommendation and what you decide to do is your choice in this regard. If the requested URL is more advanced, you are free to include it as well but please take note that it may be more difficult to use that address for your viewers/readers/listeners.

Please let us know that you are publishing the address, as it is always nice for us to know when our address is being used and published by others: [email protected]
