Home > Sun & Moon > Day and Night World Map

Day and Night World Map

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The map below shows the current position of the Sun and the Moon. It shows which parts of the Earth are in daylight and which are in night.

Map showing day and night parts of the world

See where the moon is over the horizon

Change time and date

< 4 weeks4 weeks > March equinox 
or choose:

< 1 day1 day >June solstice
< 12 hours12 hours >September equinox
< 6 hours6 hours >December solstice
< 1 hour1 hour >
< 10 minutes10 minutes >

Map notes

Position of the Sun

On Sunday, February 12, 2012 at 18:10:00 UTC the Sun is at its zenith at these coordinates:
Latitude: 13° 42' South
Longitude: 89° 13' West

The ground speed of the movement is currently 450.71 meters/second, 1622.5 km/hour, 1008.2 miles/hour or 876.1 knots.The table below shows the Sun position compared to the time and date above:

TimeLongitude differenceLatitude differenceTotal
1 minute0° 15' 00.0"16.80 miwest0° 00' 00.8"0.02 minorth16.80 mi
1 hour15° 00' 00.4"1008.11 miwest0° 00' 49.9"0.95 minorth1008.14 mi
24 hours0° 00' 15.0"0.28 miwest0° 20' 03.7"22.99 minorth22.99 mi

Position of the Moon

On Sunday, February 12, 2012 at 18:10:00 UTC the Moon is at its zenith at these coordinates:
Latitude: 13° 54' South
Longitude: 149° 27' East

The ground speed of the movement is currently 434.02 meters/second, 1562.5 km/hour, 970.9 miles/hour or 843.7 knots.The table below shows the Moon position compared to the time and date above:

TimeLongitude differenceLatitude differenceTotal
1 minute0° 14' 27.2"16.18 miwest0° 00' 10.7"0.21 misouth16.18 mi
1 hour14° 27' 19.3"970.69 miwest0° 10' 46.6"12.35 misouth970.39 mi
24 hours13° 17' 10.0"892.19 mieast3° 52' 02.3"265.93 misouth923.17 mi

Locations with the Sun near zenith

The following table shows 10 locations with Sun near zenith position in the sky.
LocationLocal timeDistanceDirection
TrujilloSun 1:10 PM1278 km794 miles690 nmEast-northeast ENE
ChiclayoSun 1:10 PM1286 km799 miles695 nmNortheast NE
CallaoSun 1:10 PM1324 km823 miles715 nmEast E
PiuraSun 1:10 PM1328 km825 miles717 nmNortheast NE
LimaSun 1:10 PM1335 km830 miles721 nmEast E
Galapagos IslandsSun 12:10 PM1417 km881 miles765 nmNorth N
IcaSun 1:10 PM1451 km902 miles784 nmEast E
HuancayoSun 1:10 PM1532 km952 miles827 nmEast E
GuayaquilSun 1:10 PM1633 km1015 miles882 nmNortheast NE
CuencaSun 1:10 PM1641 km1020 miles886 nmNortheast NE


Sun means Sunday, February 12, 2012 (10 places listed).
km means kilometers from origin.
miles means miles from origin.
nm means nautical miles from origin.
All numbers are air distances – as the crow flies.

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