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Wounded Warrior Lifecycle

AW2 Soldier in Physical Training uniform

Each AW2 Soldier moves through the six-phase Lifecycle of Care. The Army uses this cycle to anticipate what the wounded warrior and his/her Family will need during each phase. AW2 provides support throughout the six phases of the Wounded Warrior Lifecycle of Care.

AW2 Soldiers also receive support from the Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) triad of care throughout the first five phases, and AW2 continues to provide necessary support as the wounded warrior transitions to Veteran status.

The phases of the Wounded Warrior Lifecycle include:

  1. Evacuation and Notification: Soldiers eligible for AW2 are assigned an AW2 Advocate, who initiates contact with the AW2 Soldier and Family. The AW2 Advocate establishes a personal connection with the Soldier and Family and closely monitors their progress. (Soldiers may be found eligible for AW2 at a later point within the lifecycle and will be assigned an AW2 Advocate at that time.)
  2. Treatment: While the AW2 Soldier is receiving medical care, the AW2 Advocate identifies individual Soldier and Family issues and actively manages these issues while preparing them for the next phases.
  3. Rehabilitation: When an AW2 Soldier is in rehabilitation care and reaches a point where optimal medical benefit is achieved, the AW2 Advocate coordinates with the WTU multidisciplinary team to help the Soldier and Family develop a plan of action for continuance of Army service or transition into the civilian community (e.g., utilizing an income calculator to compare possible incomes).
  4. Evaluation: The Soldier moves through the Army Physical Disability Evaluation System, including the Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) and Physical Evaluation Board (PEB). The AW2 Advocate actively monitors the evaluation process, explains options, and assists the Soldier and Family with their CTP goals.
  5. Transition: The AW2 Advocate supports the AW2 Soldier in executing his/her CTP track , whether a successful return to the military or transition into the civilian community.
  6. Management and Support: The AW2 Advocate continues to proactively support the AW2 Soldier or Veteran and his/her Family by assisting with any new issues that they may face. In this stage of the lifecycle, the AW2 Advocate helps foster their independence and successful transition to the next phase of their lives.