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  1. We can't really link a story of a drunk Swedish elk to building or home improvements etc. But it deserves to be shared:
  2. @leggetter Dictionary corner is on it. Thanks again!
  3. @leggetter thanks phil….that's great feedback. let us know how the whole experience goes?
  4. Forth Bridge painting almost wrapped up - next someone will be saying that Rome *was* built in a day.
  5. @Rentlord likewise! later today Ryan (our CEO) will be there and tomorrow @petedanks will be mentoring (our head of marketing) #Seedcamp
  6. @Ghoul_of_London we offer similar services, but of course we hope to do a better job! Let us know how you get on?
  7. “@vtri: @Ghoul_of_London I've had great experience with C.T.Hueber booked through @my_builder...” <-- good to hear :)
  8. Have a great weekend all, and thanks @nickgoode for the #FF
  9. Hello tradesfolk! Our Online Trade Meeting kicks off at 7pm. Still time to join…log into your tradesman dashboard for more info.
  10. The top 5 (and then some) money saving tips for your home from our "Ask a Tradesman" boffins.
  11. Struggling to sell your house right now? You probably don't have enough bears in your photographs. Easy mistake to make.
  12. @nickgoode do polo and kids mix well!?
  13. Tell us what you have in store for this weekend: Socialising / DIY / Stress ?…
  14. @DirectSitters Hi - drop [email protected] a line - every single email we get is looked at by real people and dealt with accordingly :)
  15. @fwinroberts Thanks Kathryn. You too.
  16. Crikey. 124 days till Christmas. Considering a new boiler? Want to know which is best? Don't ask us, ask our Tradesmen
  17. “@rossmcgill: @My_Builder is a great way to find. local build. Like eBay with reviews, photos of work etc. #pass” <--- thanks Ross!
  18. Great advice on cutting fuel bills - biggest reduction (up to 25%) from investing in a new A rated boiler.
  19. For those of you post kitchen refurb, looking for the *ultimate* ketchup related culinary gadget. Look no further:
  20. @NathanPask glad you had a good experience Nathan. Thanks for the tweet.