Joe Abercrombie

Image of Joe Abercrombie

UK fantasy writer Joe Abercrombie is the author of the First Law Trilogy: The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged and Last Argument of Kings, as well as the standalone fantasy Best Served Cold.

Joe now lives in Bath with his wife, Lou, and his daughters Grace and Eve. He still occasionally edits concerts and music festivals for TV, but spends most of his time writing edgy yet humorous fantasy novels.

Here are the First Law Trilogy in series order:

The Blade Itself
Before They Are Hanged
The Last Argument of Kings


Best Served Cold

This biography was provided by the author or their representative.

Books by Joe Abercrombie (See all books)

Paperback: £8.84 Kindle Edition: £7.99
20 Oct 2011
4.5 out of 5 stars   (45)
Paperback: £5.30 Kindle Edition: £4.99
8 Mar 2007
4.3 out of 5 stars   (141)
Paperback: £4.55 Kindle Edition: £4.99
13 Mar 2008
4.6 out of 5 stars   (49)
Paperback: £5.03 Kindle Edition: £4.99
12 Mar 2009
4.4 out of 5 stars   (60)
Paperback: £5.03 Kindle Edition: £4.99
1 Jun 2010
3.8 out of 5 stars   (63)
Kindle Edition: £9.28
5 Sep 2011
Paperback: £7.38
26 Jan 2009
Paperback: £11.09 Kindle Edition: £8.56
5 Oct 2009
1.0 out of 5 stars   (1)
Paperback: £10.32 Kindle Edition: £7.97
3 Sep 2007
Paperback: £11.07
1 Sep 2008
20 Oct 2008

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