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Thanks for stopping by our message board area! Below, you'll find a list of all our general discussion boards where you can discuss a wide variety of film, TV, and celebrity related topics with your fellow IMDb users.

Trivia! Trivia! Postings Latest Postings
I Need To Know
This is the place to post those film/TV/video/etc trivia questions you DON'T know the answers to - perhaps one of your fellow users can help.
34,711 51 seconds ago
Best and Worst
Discussion of the best and worst that film and TV has to offer. Includes discussions on IMDb's Top 250 and Bottom 100.
16,486 3 minutes ago
Lists and Recommendations
Create and share lists and recommendations. Post your list (use IMDb MyMovie public lists if possible), and get recommendations.
9,788 5 minutes ago
Games: Race and Elimination Games
The place to enter and play racing & elimination-style games with your fellow IMDb users! Easy to learn and fun to play (and create), you'll get the idea quickly.
28,767 24 minutes ago
Games: Trivia and Quiz Games
This is the place to play (and to start your own new) trivia & quiz style games (including Baker's Dozens-style games).
56,383 2 minutes ago
Games: Puzzle
This is the place for Puzzle and Sudoku style games.
2,065 20 hours ago
Games: RPG
This is the place for message board RPG-style games.
6,462 1 hour ago
Games: Other Games
Race/Elimination-Style & Trivia/Quiz games & Puzzle & RPG games have their own boards now. This for all the games that don't fit into one of those categories, or general comments/questions on games.
29,160 17 minutes ago
From boom mikes in shots to cameras reflected in the window, this is the place to discuss that great trivial pursuit of finding goofs that made it into the final cut.
1,346 1 day ago
Awards Season
Oscar Buzz
Discuss your picks and prognostications for the next Oscar race.
170,378 27 seconds ago
Critics Choices
Which critics and/or critics associations, if any, got it right... or wrong?
814 3 days ago
Emmy Buzz
Discuss the Emmy awards: past, present, and future.
884 1 hour ago
Golden Globes
587 4 days ago
Film Talk
Film General
Film topics not covered in the boards below
243,736 6 seconds ago
Internet Films/Videos
Discussions on films/videos whose primary distribution venue is the internet.
235 1 day ago
Now Playing and Upcoming Films
Discuss films currently in theaters and those coming soon.
231 1 day ago
Summer Movies
Discuss the films heating up movie theaters this summer.
666 2 hours ago
Box Office
Discuss past, current, and future Box Office statistics.
3,736 27 minutes ago
Film Art and Cinematography
The artistic elements behind filmmaking. Poster design, set design, painting, storyboarding, set decorating, etc.
617 1 hour ago
Film Festivals
Discuss film festivals past, current, and future.
If you’re a filmmaker or a film festival or screenplay competition organizer, don’t miss
979 16 hours ago
Film History and Meaning
Discussions on the history of film-making and the language of cinema.
476 18 hours ago
Discuss films on video.
341 3 days ago
Classic Film
Discuss great old movies from silent to noir and everything in between.
46,802 8 minutes ago
Cult Films
Discuss films with cult followings (like Rocky Horror Picture Show, Army of Darkness, Brazil, etc.)
592 15 hours ago
Star Wars
Discuss all things Star Wars
1,719 2 hours ago
The Lord Of The Rings
Discuss all versions of The Lord of the Rings and related works.
3,463 1 hour ago
Harry Potter
Discuss the Harry Potter movies and books
1,571 2 hours ago
Special and Visual Effects
521 12 hours ago
James Bond
Discuss the James Bond movies and books
12,052 3 minutes ago
TV Talk
TV General
TV topics not covered in the boards below.
2,508 1 hour ago
Talk about your favorite British comedies. Everything from Benny Hill, Monty Python, Red Dwarf, Extras, etc.
711 5 hours ago
Classic TV
Discuss your favorite shows from the Golden Age to Retro.
491 2 days ago
Classic TV: The 40s
105 4 days ago
Classic TV: The 50s
486 3 days ago
Classic TV: The 60s
760 1 hour ago
Classic TV: The 70s
684 8 hours ago
Classic TV: The 80s
644 9 hours ago
Classic TV: The 90s
797 14 hours ago
Classic TV: The 00s
270 2 days ago
Crime, Police, Detective, Conspiracy
Shows featuring crime, police, true detective, conspiracy, spy stories.
728 23 hours ago
Current Shows
Discuss shows currently airing new episodes.
313 10 hours ago
Cult TV
Discuss shows with cult followings (like Dark Shadows, Red Dwarf, etc.)
577 1 day ago
Home, Real Estate, Cooking, Decorating Shows
General discussion group for 'home' related shows.
123 20 hours ago
Soaps and Serials
Discussions on Soaps and Serials
347 1 day ago
Trekkers Only!
Discussions on all things Star Trek: Television, Feature Films, Memorabilia, etc.
2,299 26 minutes ago
Your take on the television networks (worldwide), their programming, season line-up, etc.
856 3 hours ago
Shop Talk
Shop Talk Directors
Discuss your craft with other directors.
1,754 3 minutes ago
Shop Talk Actors
Discuss your craft with other actors.
478 5 hours ago
Shop Talk Writers
Discuss your craft with other screenwriters.
7,846 34 minutes ago
Shop Talk Crew
For designers, composers, producers, visual effects folks and everyone else who works their magic behind the scenes.
262 1 hour ago
Genre Zone
Action and Adventure
507 3 hours ago
1,540 3 hours ago
4,226 8 minutes ago
648 1 day ago
Children and Family Films
487 4 days ago
772 1 hour ago
709 5 hours ago
561 1 day ago
848 2 days ago
662 Mon Sep 6 2010 02:58
Epic and Disaster
"The Poseidon Adventure, Children of Men, Steamboat Bill Jr.; Gone With the Wind, Ben-Hur, The Last Samurai"
302 2 days ago
Experimental and Avant-Garde
45 1 day ago
862 21 hours ago
Film Noir
3,666 19 minutes ago
465 Sun Sep 5 2010 09:21
97,703 1 minute ago
Independent Films
591 4 days ago
414 35 minutes ago
Martial Arts
999 3 hours ago
From Afrit to Zombie, including the ever-popular Kaiju & Vampires. Discuss your favorite movie & TV monsters.
878 2 hours ago
1,193 7 hours ago
Reality TV
471 Fri Sep 10 2010 18:28
994 3 hours ago
Science Fiction
1,937 14 minutes ago
Short Films
542 1 day ago
911 1 day ago
Sports Films
Films featuring sports (comedy, documentary, etc).
278 16 hours ago
Superheroes and Villains
842 5 hours ago
Teen Films
Films especially targeted to teen audiences.
733 3 days ago
830 Sun Sep 12 2010 17:30
War Films
516 1 day ago
3,233 40 minutes ago
Womens Film
NEW Discuss any issues related to women and film
827 25 minutes ago
3D Films
65 1 hour ago
Around the World
Asian Cinema
Discuss films made in Asia (outside India, see below)
1,560 17 hours ago
European Cinema
Discuss films made in Europe.
1,027 3 minutes ago
Indian Cinema
Discuss films made in India.
19,666 8 minutes ago
International Cinema
Discuss films from other countries and areas not listed above (and also outside the USA)
976 8 hours ago
Star Talk
Actors and Actresses
Discuss your favorite performers.
2,515 4 hours ago
Discuss your favorite directors.
975 1 day ago
Discuss your favorite screenwriters.
782 4 days ago
Discuss your favorite composers from film and TV.
1,033 10 hours ago
Other Moviemakers
From best boys to producers, discuss the other favorite people who help bring the magic to the screen.
997 5 days ago
Music General
Discuss music of any kind (not just movie related)
88,299 4 minutes ago
Blues, Jazz & Soul
Discussions on Blues, Jazz, Soul, R&B;, Swing, and other related genres.
1,067 13 hours ago
Classical Music
4,623 58 minutes ago
760 3 days ago
Electronic, Techno & Dance
745 8 hours ago
Hip-Hop & Rap
3,245 1 hour ago
2,340 3 hours ago
Soundtracks and Scores
Discussions on soundtracks and scores for film and tv.
899 8 hours ago
Want to discuss Blu-Ray versus DVD, HDMI, HD, PAL/NTSC/SECAM? This is the place!
735 2 hours ago
Blu-ray Disc Releases
Discuss the latest releases on Blu-ray
996 5 hours ago
Blu-ray Hi-Def Equipment
Discuss HDTVs, players, home theaters systems and more high-def equipment for Blu-ray
910 1 day ago
Home Theater Equipment
Recommendations, reviews, and conversation on the latest dvd players, line doublers, satellite dishes, TiVo, Replay, and other gear.
788 46 minutes ago
Displays and Projectors
Discuss projectors, flat panel television choices (LCD or Plasma, etc.).
503 1 day ago
Audio Equipment and Home Theater Audio
Discuss home theater sound system equipment and general audio equipment.
691 2 days ago
Discuss Kindles, iPads, iPods, cell phones, and other gadgets.
767 12 hours ago
Computers and Software
1,332 3 hours ago
Filmmaking Gear
Any gear used in the process of film-making gear, low-tech or high-tech
101 Mon Sep 13 2010 09:51
General Boards
The Sandbox
A free-for-all area. Post test messages, start off-topic discussions, anything that isn't covered by any other board.
3,201 5 minutes ago
The Soapbox
Here's the place to post your heated discussions that might irk the members of more tame boards. When someone tells you to 'take it outside'... take it here. Terms and Conditions still apply.
155,993 53 seconds ago
Club IMDb
Welcome to Club IMDb! Stay All Night!
1,619 27 minutes ago
The Watercooler
The virtual watercooler (our alternative to discussions around the office watercooler)
28,016 1 minute ago
Film, TV, Celebrity News
Relay news including births/deaths/marriages and discuss current news topics.
825 5 hours ago
419,169 just now
2,273 3 hours ago
Religion, Faith, and Spirituality
Discussions on religion, faith and spirituality. Be tolerant & respectful! Judge not lest ye be judged!
142,283 5 minutes ago
699 3 hours ago
Automobiles and Transportation
Discussions on everything vehicular: cars, trucks, motorcycles, scooters, segways, etc.
526 3 days ago
Discuss your favorite (and not so favorite) books, magazines, and writing
10,948 7 minutes ago
Collectibles and Memorabilia
What do you collect? Movie stand-ups, action figures, insulators? Let us know!
854 1 day ago
Comic Books and Comic-Con
Discuss Comic Books, Manga, Graphic Novels and Comic-Con
2,718 7 hours ago
Economics, Business, Money, Finance
Discussions on economics, business, money, finance, including personal finance. Free advice is worth what you paid for it. Something too good to be true probably is.
604 3 days ago
Discussions about Fashion & Style on film (e.g. The Devil Wears Prada) and TV (e.g. Project Runway) and in the 'real world'.
888 3 hours ago
Food and Drink
Comestibles and Elixirs. Recipes, Favorite Food and Drink.
11,098 3 minutes ago
Health & Fitness
Health and Fitness related discussions. Note that seeking and following medical advice on a movie & tv site message board is not generally considered a "good idea".
2,194 51 minutes ago
Discussions on the nice narrow topic of 'world history'.
1,378 2 hours ago
Ghosts, supernatural, ESP, paranormal phenomena, occult. We have it all, and now we have a place for you to discuss it.
1,145 44 minutes ago
Pets and Animals
1,309 5 hours ago
Consumer and Professional Photography
540 3 minutes ago
Discussions on plays and similar media (opera, etc)
382 1 day ago
Have an urgent nano-technology question? Gray goo got you down? Need T-1000 replacement parts? This is your place!
1,177 1 day ago
Worldwide sports, Olympics, etc.
143,002 1 minute ago
Travel and Recreation
417 7 hours ago
Video Games (General)
41,753 24 seconds ago
Video Games (Console)
453 1 day ago
Video Games (Portable)
157 Wed Sep 8 2010 08:23
Video Games (PC)
964 7 hours ago
IMDb Boards
IMDb Information
Announcements regarding updates, changes and special things for the Message Boards area.
1,720 47 minutes ago
If you're having difficulties understanding how to do something in the boards or on the site in general, post your question here and perhaps a helpful community member will provide some assistance.
3,131 1 minute ago
Contributors Help
If you're looking for help adding to or correcting names, titles, descriptions or other information listed in the IMDb, post your query here where other users may help you.
118,518 16 minutes ago
IMDb Hit List
Propose links for inclusion on the homepage Hit List and discuss past Hit List topics.
3,254 1 hour ago
IMDb Daily Poll
Discuss the IMDb daily poll or suggest new poll questions
42,836 8 minutes ago
IMDb Mobile
IMDb's on-the-go and off-desktop mobile presence.
129 Thu Sep 9 2010 06:22

All times PST/PDT

Special Boards
Besides the boards listed above, we've created a special system of boards to discuss specific movies and TV shows, and specific people. Because there's a board for every title and person and we catalog information on over 1.2 million titles and over 2.7 million people, there is no index of those boards. To reach them, look up the title or person you want to discuss (using the "Search the database for" form that can be found near the top of every page) and scroll down the page. Near the bottom of the page you'll find a heading that says "Message Boards" and a link to the message board for that particular movie, TV show, video, person, etc.