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Products tagged "magic"

Tag Score: 38
Brisingr (Inheritance Cycle)

Brisingr (Inheritance Cycle) (Hardcover)

Brisingr (Inheritance Cycle) by Christopher Paolini

3.3 out of 5 stars (79)

RRP: �16.99

Price: �8.94

You Save: �8.05 (47%)

65 used & new from �6.20

In stock

Tag Score: 18
The Tales of Beedle the Bard, Standard Edition

The Tales of Beedle the Bard, St... (Hardcover)

The Tales of Beedle the Bard, Standard Edition by J. K. Rowling

3.9 out of 5 stars (73)

RRP: �6.99

Price: �3.49

You Save: �3.50 (50%)

140 used & new from �0.36

In stock

Tag Score: 15
The Magic Scales: Book One of the Denthan Series

The Magic Scales (Paperback)

The Magic Scales: Book One of the Denthan Series by Sam Wilding

4.9 out of 5 stars (8)

RRP: �9.99

Price: �8.99

You Save: �1.00 (10%)

16 used & new from �6.23

In stock

Tag Score: 15
Zal and Zara and the Great Race of Azamed

Zal and Zara and the Great Race... (Paperback)

Zal and Zara and the Great Race of Azamed by Kit Downes

4.0 out of 5 stars (51)

RRP: �5.99

Price: �4.49

You Save: �1.50 (25%)

32 used & new from �0.01

In stock

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