Mike Little’s Journalized

Mike Little’s not-quite-so-daily thoughts, babblings, and random synapse firings!

A collection of random thoughts and links. Nothing too exciting. ;-) -- Mike Little

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WordPress Themes 

This page first published by @ 00:51 on Wednesday, 8 June 2005.

A while ago I released three of my themes. I had such a good response to them. From queries about how to customise them to outright praise! There have also been some issues that needed correcting. I’ve now fixed all three themes and as well as releasing the updated versions I thought I should create a special page for them.

So far I have released the following themes:

To install each of these simply expand the archive on your local machine. You should have a directory called ‘journalized’, ‘journalized-blue’, or ‘journalized-sand’, and so on. Upload the directory and the files within it to your wp-content/themes folder on your server. Login to your blog’s administration pages and go to the Appearance page. The new theme should be listed there ready for you to select. If not check the permissions on your uploaded files.

Enjoy! The themes are licensed under the GPL. So you may modify and distribute them. Please let me know if you use them, modify them, etc. If you have any questions leave a comment on the page for the theme with your question. Comments are moderated so you won’t see your comment immediately.

If you are looking for more WordPress themes, try the Featured Themes at WordPress.org or the WordPress Codex has a great list of themes.

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19 Responses to “WordPress Themes”

  1. slip slip knit, v 2.0 » Blog Archive » More tweaking… Says:

    [...] ing point. I miss my old layout, but I’m loving Wordpress. But I think this theme (Journalized by Mike Little) is a good starting off point for that.   [lin [...]

  2. SonicChicken weblog Says:

    404 page added to J-blue

    I added a 404 page to Mike Little’s journalized theme. It’s nothing fancy, just ripped the content area out of index.php and put some semi-helpful text in its place. This page should work for all of the Journalized themes, and should be si…

  3. Don’t Lose The Question » Blog Archive » I need some php help :) Says:

    [...] I like this template, but I wanted to add RSS-feeds for the different categories, so I edited in the leftcolumn.php file from the Mike Little template: [...]

  4. Rodrigo López-Negrete » Blog Archive » Even more changes…. Says:

    [...] As you know my blog has the Journalized Winter Theme by Mike Little. Today I decided that the coloring was too dark and I had trouble with the spacing between columns (I didn’t like it). So I’ve made changes…. to both things. Let’s hope you like them…   [link] [...]

  5. Ogre's Politics & Views Says:

    New Neighbor #29

    Time to introduce another blog neighbor in our weekly Sunday afternoon feature.

  6. ballistics.cc » Blog Archive » es geht voran Says:

    [...] Nach ausführlichen Änderungen (nicht alle sind sichtbar) am Theme (das Original gibt es hier zu sehen) und Integration aller Plugins (zum großen Teil editiert), die ich schon auf meiner Hauptdomain nutze, erscheint diese Seite schon mal in einem Design, das mir persönlich sehr gut gefällt. Jetzt kann ich mich mir noch unbekannten Plugins widmen und auch weitere Themes meinen persönlichen Wünschen anpassen. Mal schauen, was noch alles den Weg zu J4P4N’s virtual world finden wird… [] [link] [diesen Artikel versenden] [...]

  7. Light Along the Journey » Blog Archive » New Site Up & Running… Says:

    [...] And in the blogosphere: to Mike Little who wrote the template that my site is based on and for his help in implementing it, to Joe Carter at Evangelical Outpost for his excellent series of articles on how to start a blog, to Michael Beasley at The Armoury for giving me my first link to the new site, and to Micahgirl for posting the first comment. [...]

  8. Talk to Mr Blogmeister » Blog Archive » A Big Thank You Says:

    [...] If you like this layout, visit Mike’s site “Mike Little’s Journalized“. Thanks Mike   [link] [...]

  9. Martine Abroad » Blog Archive » WordPress in French! Says:

    [...] And then yesterday the answer was there in the WordPress French forum. And it was so simple..just a few lines to copy paste in wp-include/gettext.php. And that was it! Then last night, I just spent a bit of time translating Mike Little’s Template that I use at Ninispixels because that only comes in English. It is more or less all done now! Anyway I am pleased with the result. There is sill a problem with the Contact Form. It looks OK in Firefox but is a bit of a mess in IE. [...]

  10. Graeme's Says:


    I have mentioned my other sites and the various changes but some thanks and acknowledgements are needed.
    All three of my sites are running on Wordpress. Although known as blog software (and that it what it is in the default configuration) it is very ve…

  11. trevina.net » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.0.1 Says:

    [...] Anyway I’ve also taken Mike Little’s new Journalized theme. He’s responded to most of the common hacks to his theme and included them in an easy to use admin page. The only hacks I needed this time were some colour changes to the css file. Oh and removing a line from one PHP file. I’m sure to hack it further - probably including a page specific links hack I used on the trevina.com website. I took the oppertunity to the header image - Its the same woods but with bluebells in flower. I think the image may need sofening as the title is a bit hard to see. [...]

  12. my weblog » Blog Archive » WordPress Themes : Mike Little’s Journalized Says:

    [...] WordPress Themes : Mike Little’s Journalized Journalized Sand   [link] [...]

  13. Matt Payne - Omaha, NE » Blog Archive » Journalized Theme Says:

    [...] the single post view — almost a printer friendly kind of view.  This is nice.   [link] « Helloworld! [...]

  14. Texto casi diario » Blog Archive » Word Press 2.3 Says:

    [...] Actualizado Word Press a la versi

  15. jagmas.com - Lifes too short to give a damn » Smokin! Says:

    [...] Smokin! By Jagmas Word. Yea I know the new look is badass. Plus I added my 360 Gamertag to pimp my skillz. LOL. Seriously tho, this Tiga template totally kicks ass and while I liked my former template this one looks so much cleaner. Now if I can just get Robbie Rob to hook me up with some sweet are for the header then it’s really gonna kick some butt! This entry is filed under Just Blogging. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Leave a Reply [...]

  16. ChipTalks » Blog Archive » Template Change Says:

    [...] The template was designed by Mike Little.  Another Person on my blog roll using a design similar is BJ. Now, BJ’s site has more eye candy so beware if you visit.  I hope to learn more about css and web site design, but for now, I’ll just tinker.   [link] [...]

  17. Into the BlogVoid Says:

    Wordpress Theme

    I really like this theme.

  18. Revolution Themes für Wordpress kostenlos Says:

    [...] sich die Umstellung auf die Suchmaschinenpositionen auswirkt. Bisher lief das Küchenblog mit Mike Little’s Journalized, das auch hier im Einsatz ist. Ich benutze es seit ein paar Jahren in fast allen Blogs, weil selbst [...]

  19. תבנית לוורדפרס - Journalized | Master Gate Says:

    [...]    עדכון אחרון       נתונים טכניים    שם התבנית :    journalized. גירסה נוכחית :    2.7.1 מספר עמודות :    1-3 לפי בחירה. תמיכה בוויג’טים :    כן. צבעי התבנית :    7 סקינים מוכנים לבחירה. התבנית נבדקה והותאמה לדפדפן :    אקספלורר, מוזילה פיירפוקס דף הבית של התבנית :    http://zed1.com/journalized/themes [...]

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