Mike Little’s Journalized

Mike Little’s not-quite-so-daily thoughts, babblings, and random synapse firings!

A collection of random thoughts and links. Nothing too exciting. ;-) -- Mike Little

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Monday, 7 March 2005


by @ 01:44. Filed under

I’ve not managed to blog recently. Things have been pretty busy: Work is busy: juggling deadlines and moving goals. Things have been busy at home in lots of ways too, trying to get things sorted, clearing out and selling on ebay. The car is currently very poorly.
I’ve been continuing my attempts to implement David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) and I’ve also started reading Covey’s 7 Habits. We are almost ready to announce some exciting news about Jamie, and I have a couple of new projects I’m trying to roll out.
I was also supposed to massage my blog layout into a Wordpress drop in theme this weekend. Unfortunately, I didn’t get chance to complete that (sorry Mark). I’ll try to finish that one over the next couple of evenings.
I’ve read some good books and listened to lots of good music. More when I get chance…

Sunday, 30 January 2005

Mountain Bike For Sale 

by @ 23:09. Filed under

I’m selling my Specialized Hardrock mountain bike on eBay. With my new job I don’t get to ride it at all. In fact I’ve done less than 20 miles on it. :-(
It’s a fantastic bike. It’s a Hardrock Sport with disc brakes and front suspension. If you’re interested in bidding go see the eBay listing.
Specialized Hardrock Sport Disc Mountain Bike
Update: The bike is now sold.

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