Mike Little’s Journalized

Mike Little’s not-quite-so-daily thoughts, babblings, and random synapse firings!

A collection of random thoughts and links. Nothing too exciting. ;-) -- Mike Little

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Thursday, 11 October 2007

One million spam comments caught 

by @ 00:09. Filed under

I noticed a few days ago that Akismet had caught more than 1 million spam comments on this blog. That’s an incredible amount. I didn’t think more about it until I spotted that Darren Rowse blogged about “The Blog Tool that Has Saved Me Months of Work” referring to Akismet having caught 2 million spam comments for him. He calculates that it has saved him over 46 days of moderation time.

Wow! That means it must have saved me 23 days effort, using his calculations. If I include the 200,000 or so it has caught on the other blogs I manage, it’s an awesome amount of time saved.

I have to agree that Akismet is a fantastic tool, and second his comment to encourage you to pay for Akismet if you are getting a great service out of it.

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counter: 15081407
Akismet has protected Mike Little's Journalized from 2,207,962 spam comments.

jour·nal n. A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis; a diary.

Protecting your bits since 10/01/2006. Founder #29 Wikipedia Affiliate Button [FSF Associate Member # 6279]

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