Mike Little’s Journalized

Mike Little’s not-quite-so-daily thoughts, babblings, and random synapse firings!

A collection of random thoughts and links. Nothing too exciting. ;-) -- Mike Little

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Friday, 28 February 2003

These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed 

by @ 01:11. Filed under

First time I’ve mentioned it, but this is funny: These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed :-)
Link from nessahead.

Thursday, 27 February 2003

My 50 Things To Do In My Lifetime - updated 

by @ 23:58. Filed under

Remember that great site My 50 Things To Do In My Lifetime that I mentioned a while back? Well they’ve implemented one of my sugestions! You can now view my list of Things To Do In My Lifetime. I’ve not added 50 things to my list, but I’m working on it. I’ve also added a permanent link down at the bottom of the left sidebar, below my wishlists).
If you’ve not been to the site, check it out. It just may serve to motivate you to ‘get around to’ some of those things you always promised yourself you would do.

Google Patents ‘Page Ranking’ 

by @ 16:05. Filed under

It looks like Google have been granted a patent for their page ranking algorithm.
It makes a change for the US patents office to grant a valid software patent! Unlike some recent patents granted.

Happy Birthday Michelle 

by @ 00:00. Filed under

Happy Birthday Michelle

Lots of love
Mike, Jan, and Jamie

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jour·nal n. A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis; a diary.

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95. We are waking up and linking to each other. We are watching. But we are not waiting.
The Cluetrain Manifesto

Make Poverty History 2005

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