
Ryanair Diss

Filed under: Asides | Tags: , ryanair | February 23rd, 2009

In a relatively bizarre case an employee of Ryanair left disparaging remarks about WordPress on someone’s blog. Someone with the airline should apologize. (17)


Om’s India Posts

Filed under: Asides | Tags: , | February 19th, 2009

Om has been doing a bit of blogging from here in India: More Bars in More Places and What the Taj Mahal and Apple Have in Common. (7)


ReadWriteWeb France

Filed under: Asides | Tags: | February 19th, 2009

ReadWriteWeb France Catches Up with Matt Mullenweg. The French version of RWW uses WordPress and is doing really well. (1)


Embedding WP.com Video

Filed under: Asides | Tags: , | February 18th, 2009

Implementing WordPress.com Video on a WordPress.org site. It’s easy, but I agree it would be nice if the video media embed popup made this more seamless. (5)


SxSW Pool Team

Filed under: Asides | Tags: , , , pool | February 11th, 2009

There’s going to be a pool (billiards) competition at SxSW this year in Austin benefiting charity and I’m thinking about putting together a WordPress team for it. Are you a world-class pool player, WordPress user, and going to be in Austin the night of Sunday March 15th? Leave a comment saying why you should carry the WordPress banner and I’ll pick the two best to represent the WordPress community at the event. (14)


Automatic Upgrade

Filed under: Asides | Tags: | February 11th, 2009

When it works, it works. (30)


My WordPress Tattoo - Baker’s Hours

Filed under: Asides | Tags: , wordpresstattoo | February 10th, 2009

Ed Morita writes about his new permanent WordPress tattoo. I knew once the temporary ones starting taking off it’d just be a matter of time. :) Lorelle has a good writeup here, and so does Mashable. As for people asking — there are no plans to change the logo ever! I think the W is pretty timeless. (13)


Erlang, PHP, WP

Filed under: Asides | Tags: , , erlang | February 6th, 2009

Persistent PHP processes in Erlang/OTP. “It’s so easy, in fact, that I now use it to debug WordPress functions from within Erlang.” (2)



Filed under: Asides | Tags: , | February 5th, 2009

There’s a new WordPress book available: Rockstar WordPress Designer. (11)


Google Account Takeover

Filed under: Asides | Tags: | January 31st, 2009

If Google is going to be at the center of our digital and online lives, they need to get a lot better about their support organization and how they handle account issues. Check out this story by Mark Ghosh for an example of what happens when things go wrong. What if you woke up tomorrow and your Gmail, Orkut, Docs, Reader, Google Checkout account was gone? (42)


Venture Destruction

Filed under: Asides | Tags: | January 30th, 2009

Asleep at the Wheel of Creative Destruction. Umair Haque’s thoughts on venture capital and the current crisis. (2)


MobileMe Notes

Filed under: Asides | Tags: , me.com, mobileme | January 30th, 2009

Dear MobileMe / Me.com, I really think you’re swell. I’ve been dreaming dreams of sync since my first Handspring, and you are the best I’ve used. Two things would put you over the top. First, the notes application on the iPhone is handy, but please sync this to a quickie app on Me.com so I can put stuff in and out of notes easily. Second, and this is a stretch, I know you don’t like to-do applications, but I also have an inkling you could do something that would make me stop using paper and pen for to-dos. And synchronize it. With love, Matt. (18)


WordCamp Roundup

Filed under: WordCamp | Tags: | January 28th, 2009

This month there were three WordCamps around the world: WordCamp Las Vegas, WordCamp Indonesia, and WordCamp Whistler. Here’s what’s coming up in the next two months. Asterisks indicate WordCamps I’ll be attending:


4,000 Plugins

Filed under: Asides | Tags: | January 28th, 2009

WordPress.org plugin directory just reached its 4,000th plugin! I declare January 28th our official “Thank a Plugin Developer” day. To celebrate take a look at the plugins you use and love, visit the author’s site, find their contact form, and drop them a note. (Or Paypal!) (36)


USA Today Article

Filed under: Asides | Tags: , | January 28th, 2009

WordPress creator Mullenweg is many bloggers’ best friend - USATODAY.com. We got some nice press in USA Today in an article by Jefferson Graham, pick up a dead tree copy today if you can to check out the article. (12)


Must-See WPTV

Filed under: Asides | Tags: | January 27th, 2009

10 Must-See Videos on WordPress.TV. (2)